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Universality of the thermodynamics of a quantum-mechanically radiating black hole departing from thermality
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138948
Christian Corda , Carlo Cafaro

Mathur and Mehta won the third prize in the 2023 Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competition for proving the universality of black hole (BH) thermodynamics. Specifically, they demonstrated that any Extremely Compact Object (ECO) must have the same BH thermodynamic properties regardless of whether or not the ECO possesses an event horizon. The result is remarkable, but it was obtained under the approximation according to which the BH emission spectrum has an exactly thermal character. In fact, strong arguments based on energy conservation and BH back reaction imply that the spectrum of the Hawking radiation cannot be exactly thermal. In this work the result of Mathur and Mehta will be extended to the case where the radiation spectrum is not exactly thermal using the concept of BH dynamical state.



马图尔和梅塔因证明黑洞(BH)热力学的普遍性而在 2023 年重力研究基金会征文比赛中获得三等奖。具体来说,他们证明了任何极紧凑天体(ECO)都必须具有相同的 BH 热力学性质,无论 ECO 是否拥有事件视界。结果是显着的,但它是在近似下获得的,根据该近似,BH 发射光谱具有精确的热特性。事实上,基于能量守恒和 BH 逆反应的有力论据表明,霍金辐射的光谱不可能完全是热光谱。在这项工作中,Mathur 和 Mehta 的结果将使用 BH 动态概念扩展到辐射光谱不完全是热的情况。