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Locating quark-antiquark string breaking in QCD through chiral symmetry restoration and Hawking-Unruh effect
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138942
Wei Kou , Xurong Chen

The relationship between QCD and the string model offers a valuable perspective for exploring the interaction potential between quarks. In this study, we investigate the restoration of chiral symmetry in connection with the Unruh effect experienced by accelerating observers. Utilizing the Schwinger model, we analyze the critical point at which the string or chromoelectric flux tube between quark-antiquarks breaks with increasing separation between quarks. In this study, the critical distance for quark-antiquark chromoelectric flux tube or string breaking is determined to be rc=1.294±0.040 fm. The acceleration and Unruh temperature corresponding to this critical point signify the transition of the system's chiral symmetry from a broken to a restored state. Our estimates for the critical acceleration (ac=1.14×1034 cm/s2) and Unruh temperature (Tc=0.038 GeV) align with previous studies. This analysis illuminates the interplay between chiral symmetry restoration, the Unruh effect, and the breaking of the string or chromoelectric flux tube within the context of quark interactions.


通过手性对称性恢复和霍金-安鲁效应定位 QCD 中的夸克-反夸克弦断裂

QCD 和弦模型之间的关系为探索夸克之间的相互作用潜力提供了有价值的视角。在这项研究中,我们研究了与加速观察者经历的安鲁效应有关的手性对称性的恢复。利用施温格模型,我们分析了夸克-反夸克之间的弦或色电通量管随着夸克之间的间距增加而破裂的临界点。本研究确定夸克-反夸克色电通量管或弦断裂的临界距离为rc=1.294±0.040 fm。该临界点对应的加速度和安鲁温度标志着系统的手性对称性从破坏状态到恢复状态的转变。我们对临界加速度 (ac=1.14×1034 cm/s2) 和安鲁温度 (Tc=0.038 GeV) 的估计与之前的研究一致。该分析阐明了夸克相互作用背景下手性对称性恢复、安鲁效应以及弦或色电通量管断裂之间的相互作用。