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Exploring loop-induced first-order electroweak phase transition in the Higgs effective field theory
Physics Letters B ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138940
Ricardo R. Florentino , Shinya Kanemura , Masanori Tanaka

The nearly aligned Higgs Effective Field Theory (naHEFT) is based on the general assumption: all deviations in the Higgs boson couplings are originated from quantum one-loop effects of new particles that are integrated out. If the new particles integrated out have the same non-decoupling property, physics of the electroweak symmetry breaking can be then described by several parameters in the naHEFT, so that there is a correlation among the Higgs boson couplings such as hγγ, hWW and hhh couplings. In this paper, we analyze the strongly first-order electroweak phase transition (EWPT) with the condition of sphaleron decoupling and the completion condition of the phase transition, and investigate the relation among the deviations in the Higgs boson couplings and the dynamics of the EWPTs. We also take into account the gravitational wave spectrum as well as the primordial black hole predicted at the EWPT. We show that if the new particles integrated out include charged scalar states future precision measurements of the hγγ coupling can give a useful prediction on the hhh coupling to realize the strongly first-order EWPT. We can explore the nature of EWPT and the new physics behind it by the combination of precision measurements of various Higgs boson couplings at future collider experiments, gravitational wave observations at future space-based interferometers and searches for primordial black holes.



几乎对准的希格斯有效场理论(naHEFT)基于一般假设:希格斯玻色子耦合中的所有偏差都源于积分出来的新粒子的量子单环效应。如果积分出来的新粒子具有相同的非解耦性质,那么电弱对称性破缺的物理过程就可以用naHEFT中的几个参数来描述,这样希格斯玻色子耦合如hγγ、hWW和hhh耦合之间就存在相关性。本文分析了强一阶电弱相变(EWPT)的sphaleron解耦条件和相变完成条件,并研究了希格斯玻色子耦合偏差与EWPT动力学之间的关系。 。我们还考虑了引力波谱以及 EWPT 预测的原初黑洞。我们表明,如果集成的新粒子包含带电标量态,则 hγγ 耦合的未来精确测量可以对 hhh 耦合给出有用的预测,以实现强一阶 EWPT。我们可以通过结合未来对撞机实验中各种希格斯玻色子耦合的精确测量、未来天基干涉仪的引力波观测以及寻找原始黑洞来探索EWPT的本质及其背后的新物理学。