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Home food practices and Latino kindergarteners’ academic skills
Early Childhood Research Quarterly ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2024.08.001
Diana Leyva , Gloria Yeomans-Maldonado , Christina Weiland , Qianjin Guo , Anna Shapiro

Latino parents support children's academic skills through their involvement in daily living activities. Prior work has focused on conventional literacy (e.g., book reading) and numeracy activities (e.g., teaching numbers). Less-visible home activities that are high-priority, high-value cultural practices in Latino communities are food sharing (e.g., eating together) and food-related household chores (e.g., grocery shopping together). This study examined whether food sharing and food-related household chores contributed to children's academic skills beyond conventional literacy and numeracy activities, in a sample of 152 Latino parents from low-income households and their kindergarten children (M age = 67.24 months; 51.32% female). At the beginning of kindergarten, parents completed a home learning activities questionnaire and children's literacy and math skills were assessed. We found that food sharing, but not food-related household chores, positively related to children's literacy skills (vocabulary), beyond conventional literacy and numeracy activities. Food sharing and food-related household chores did not relate to children's math skills. Findings suggest the need to consider food sharing and food-related household chores as part of the constellation of Latino home learning activities that are likely to support children's academic skills.



拉丁裔父母通过参与日常生活活动来支持孩子的学术技能。之前的工作主要集中在传统的识字(例如,读书)和算术活动(例如,教授数字)。在拉丁裔社区中,不太明显的家庭活动是高度优先、高价值的文化习俗,包括食物分享(例如,一起吃饭)和与食物相关的家务(例如,一起去杂货店购物)。本研究以 152 名来自低收入家庭的拉丁裔家长及其幼儿园儿童为样本(男年龄= 67.24 个月;51.32% 为女性)。幼儿园开始时,家长填写了家庭学习活动调查问卷,并对孩子的识字和数学技能进行了评估。我们发现,除了传统的识字和算术活动之外,分享食物(而不是与食物相关的家务劳动)与儿童的识字技能(词汇)呈正相关。食物分享和与食物相关的家务与孩子的数学技能无关。研究结果表明,有必要考虑将食物分享和与食物相关的家务劳动作为拉丁裔家庭学习活动的一部分,这些活动可能会支持儿童的学术技能。