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Mixed Reality in the Operating Room: A Systematic Review
Journal of Medical Systems ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10916-024-02095-7
Renato Magalhães 1, 2 , Ana Oliveira 3 , David Terroso 3 , Adélio Vilaça 2 , Rita Veloso 1, 4 , António Marques 1 , Javier Pereira 5 , Luís Coelho 3, 6

Mixed Reality is a technology that has gained attention due to its unique capabilities for accessing and visualizing information. When integrated with voice control mechanisms, gestures and even iris movement, it becomes a valuable tool for medicine. These features are particularly appealing for the operating room and surgical learning, where access to information and freedom of hand operation are fundamental. This study examines the most significant research on mixed reality in the operating room over the past five years, to identify the trends, use cases, its applications and limitations. A systematic review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines to answer the research questions established using the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator and Outcome) framework. Although implementation of Mixed Reality applications in the operations room presents some challenges, when used appropriately, it can yield remarkable results. It can make learning easier, flatten the learning curve for several procedures, and facilitate various aspects of the surgical processes. The articles’ conclusions highlight the potential benefits of these innovations in surgical practice while acknowledging the challenges that must be addressed. Technical complexity, equipment costs, and steep learning curves present significant obstacles to the widespread adoption of Mixed Reality and computer-assisted evaluation. The need for more flexible approaches and comprehensive studies is underscored by the specificity of procedures and limited samples sizes. The integration of imaging modalities and innovative functionalities holds promise for clinical applications. However, it is important to consider issues related to usability, bias, and statistical analyses. Mixed Reality offers significant benefits, but there are still open challenges such as ergonomic issues, limited field of view, and battery autonomy that must be addressed to ensure widespread acceptance.



混合现实是一项因其独特的信息访问和可视化功能而受到关注的技术。当与语音控制机制、手势甚至虹膜运动集成时,它成为一种有价值的医学工具。这些功能对于手术室和外科学习特别有吸引力,因为信息获取和手动操作的自由是至关重要的。这项研究考察了过去五年来手术室混合现实最重要的研究,以确定趋势、用例、其应用和局限性。根据系统评价和荟萃分析的首选报告项目 (PRISMA) 指南进行了系统评价,以回答使用 PICO(人口、干预、比较和结果)框架建立的研究问题。尽管在手术室实施混合现实应用程序带来了一些挑战,但如果使用得当,它可以产生显着的效果。它可以使学习变得更容易,使多个手术的学习曲线变得平坦,并促进手术过程的各个方面。文章的结论强调了这些创新在外科实践中的潜在好处,同时承认必须解决的挑战。技术复杂性、设备成本和陡峭的学习曲线对混合现实和计算机辅助评估的广泛采用构成了重大障碍。程序的特殊性和有限的样本量强调了对更灵活的方法和全面研究的需要。成像模式和创新功能的集成为临床应用带来了希望。 然而,重要的是要考虑与可用性、偏差和统计分析相关的问题。混合现实带来了显着的好处,但仍然存在一些开放的挑战,例如人体工程学问题、有限的视野和电池自主性,必须解决这些挑战才能确保广泛接受。
