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One Health Investigation into Mpox and Pets, United States
Emerging Infectious Diseases ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.3201/eid3010.240632
Clint N Morgan , Natalie M Wendling , Nicolle Baird , Chantal Kling , Leah Lopez , Terese Navarra , Gracie Fischer , Nhien Wynn , Leslie Ayuk-Takor , Brandy Darby , Julia Murphy , Rachel Wofford , Emma Roth , Stacy Holzbauer , Jayne Griffith , Ali Ruprecht , Charlalynn Harris , Nadia Gallardo-Romero , Jeffrey B Doty

Monkeypox virus (MPXV) is zoonotic and capable of infecting many mammal species. However, whether common companion animals are susceptible to MPXV infection is unclear. During July 2022–March 2023, we collected animal and environmental swab samples within homes of confirmed human mpox case-patients and tested for MPXV and human DNA by PCR. We also used ELISA for orthopoxvirus antibody detection. Overall, 12% (22/191) of animal and 25% (14/56) of environmental swab samples from 4 households, including samples from 4 dogs and 1 cat, were positive for MPXV DNA, but we did not detect viable MPXV or orthopoxvirus antibodies. Among MPXV PCR-positive swab samples, 82% from animals and 93% the environment amplified human DNA with a statistically significant correlation in observed cycle threshold values. Our findings demonstrate likely DNA contamination from the human mpox cases. Despite the high likelihood for exposure, however, we found no indications that companion animals were infected with MPXV.


美国一项针对 Mpox 和宠物的健康调查

猴痘病毒 (MPXV) 是人畜共患病毒,能够感染许多哺乳动物物种。然而,普通伴侣动物是否易受 MPXV 感染尚不清楚。 2022年7月至2023年3月期间,我们在确诊的人类mpox病例患者家中收集了动物和环境拭子样本,并通过PCR检测了MPXV和人类DNA。我们还使用 ELISA 进行正痘病毒抗体检测。总体而言,来自 4 个家庭的 12% (22/191) 动物和 25% (14/56) 环境拭子样本(包括 4 只狗和 1 只猫的样本)呈 MPXV DNA 阳性,但我们没有检测到活的 MPXV 或正痘病毒抗体。在 MPXV PCR 阳性拭子样本中,82% 来自动物,93% 来自环境,扩增了人类 DNA,与观察到的周期阈值具有统计显着相关性。我们的研究结果表明,人类 MPOX 病例可能存在 DNA 污染。然而,尽管接触的可能性很高,但我们没有发现伴侣动物感染 MPXV 的迹象。
