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Autochthonous Human Babesiosis Caused by Babesia venatorum, the Netherlands
Emerging Infectious Diseases ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.3201/eid3009.240556
Niekie Spoorenberg , Clara F. Köhler , Evelien Vermeulen , Suzanne Jurriaans , Marion Cornelissen , Kristina E.M. Persson , Iris van Doorn , Hein Sprong , Joppe W. Hovius , Rens Zonneveld

Severe babesiosis with 9.8% parasitemia was diagnosed in a patient in the Netherlands who had previously undergone splenectomy. We confirmed Babesia venatorum using PCR and sequencing. B. venatorum was also the most prevalent species in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected around the patient’s home. Our findings warrant awareness for severe babesiosis in similar patients.



荷兰一名曾接受过脾切除术的患者被诊断出患有严重巴贝虫病并伴有 9.8% 的寄生虫血症。我们通过 PCR 和测序确认了巴贝斯虫B. venatorum也是患者家中收集的蓖麻硬蜱中最常见的种类。我们的研究结果保证了对类似患者中严重巴贝虫病的认识。
