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Standardized template for clinical reporting of PSMA PET/CT scans
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging ( IF 8.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s00259-024-06857-w
Shadi A Esfahani 1 , Michael J Morris 2 , Oliver Sartor 3 , Mark Frydenberg 4, 5 , Stefano Fanti 6 , Jeremie Calais 7 , Neha Vapiwala 8


Accurate diagnosis and staging of prostate cancer are crucial to improving patient care. Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-targeted positron emission tomography with computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging has demonstrated superiority for initial staging and restaging in patients with prostate cancer. Referring physicians and PET/CT readers must agree on a consistent communication method and application of information derived from this imaging modality. While several guidelines have been published, a single PSMA PET/CT reporting template has yet to be widely adopted. Based on the consensus from community and academic physicians, we developed a standardized PSMA PET/CT reporting template for radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians to report and relay key imaging findings to referring physicians. The aim was to improve the quality, clarity, and utility of imaging results reporting to facilitate patient management decisions.


Based on community and expert consensus, we developed a standardized PSMA PET/CT reporting template to deliver key imaging findings to referring clinicians.


Core category components proposed include a summary of any prior treatment history; presence, location, and degree of PSMA radiopharmaceutical uptake in primary and/or metastatic tumor(s), lesions with no uptake, and incidentally found lesions with positive uptake on PET/CT.


This article provides recommendations on best practices for standardized reporting of PSMA PET/CT imaging. The generated reporting template is a proposed supplement designed to educate and improve data communication between imaging experts and referring physicians.


PSMA PET/CT 扫描临床报告的标准化模板


前列腺癌的准确诊断和分期对于改善患者护理至关重要。前列腺特异性膜抗原 (PSMA) 靶向正电子发射断层扫描与计算机断层扫描 (PET/CT) 成像已证明在前列腺癌患者的初始分期和再分期方面具有优越性。转诊医生和 PET/CT 读者必须就一致的沟通方法以及从这种成像方式获得的信息的应用达成一致。虽然已经发布了多项指南,但单一的 PSMA PET/CT 报告模板尚未得到广泛采用。根据社区和学术医生的共识,我们开发了标准化的 PSMA PET/CT 报告模板,供放射科医生和核医学医生向转诊医生报告和转发关键影像发现。目的是提高成像结果报告的质量、清晰度和实用性,以促进患者管理决策。


根据社区和专家共识,我们开发了标准化 PSMA PET/CT 报告模板,向转诊临床医生提供关键影像学发现。


提议的核心类别组成部分包括任何先前治疗史的总结;原发性和/或转移性肿瘤、无摄取的病灶以及 PET/CT 上偶然发现的阳性摄取病灶中 PSMA 放射性药物摄取的存在、位置和程度。


本文提供有关 PSMA PET/CT 成像标准化报告最佳实践的建议。生成的报告模板是一个拟议的补充,旨在教育和改善影像专家和转诊医生之间的数据通信。
