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Evidence for Re-attributing to Pierre Gassendi the Authorship of Anatomia ridiculi muris (1651) and Favilla ridiculi muris (1653)
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-16 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20240108
Rodolfo Garau 1

From 1643 onwards – almost until the ends of their lives –, the philosopher and astronomer Pierre Gassendi (1592–1655) and the mathematician and astrologer Jean-Baptiste Morin (1583–1656) were engaged in a bitter polemic. Scholars in the history of early modern science consider this polemic crucial both for understanding the debate over Galileanism and Copernicanism in France, and for understanding the decline of astrology within scholarly communities. This conflict began with the publication of Gassendi’s De motu impresso a motore translato (1642) and Morin’s subsequent critique of the author’s Galileanism and Copernican stance. As the polemic evolved, it came to include other members of Gassendi’s network, who retaliated with criticism of Morin’s astrological practices – a process that culminated in what Robert Alan Hatch interpreted in 2017 as a significant moment in the exclusion of astrology from French academic discourse. In this paper, I present evidence that two of the texts in this polemical series, the Anatomia ridiculi muris (1651) and the Favilla ridiculi muris (1653), which have traditionally been attributed to Gassendi’s pupil François Bernier (1620–1688), were in fact authored by Gassendi himself. This re-attribution casts Gassendi’s influence on the decline of astrology in early modern France in a different light, while also offering a deeper insight into his intellectual biography and into the composition of his Opera omnia.


将 Anatomiaridiculi muris (1651) 和 Favillaridiculi muris (1653) 的作者重新归属于 Pierre Gassendi 的证据

从 1643 年起,几乎一直到他们生命的尽头,哲学家兼天文学家皮埃尔·加森迪 (Pierre Gassendi,1592-1655) 和数学家兼占星家让-巴蒂斯特·莫兰 (Jean-Baptiste Morin,1583-1656) 一直在进行激烈的争论。早期现代科学史的学者认为这场争论对于理解法国伽利略主义和哥白尼主义的争论以及理解学术界占星学的衰落至关重要。这场冲突始于加森迪 (Gassendi) 的出版De motu impresso a motore 翻译(1642)以及莫林随后对作者伽利略主义和哥白尼立场的批评。随着争论的发展,加森迪网络的其他成员也加入进来,他们以批评莫林的占星术实践作为报复——这一过程最终导致了罗伯特·艾伦·哈奇 (Robert Alan Hatch) 在 2017 年将占星学排除在法国学术话语之外的重要时刻。在本文中,我提出了证据,证明这个争论系列中的两篇文章,鼠解剖(1651) 以及蚕蛾(1653)传统上被认为是加森迪的学生弗朗索瓦·贝尔尼尔(François Bernier,1620-1688)所著,但实际上是加森迪本人所著。这种重新归因从不同的角度看待加桑迪对近代早期法国占星学衰落的影响,同时也让人们对他的知识传记和他的著作的构成有了更深入的了解。全能歌剧。