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HIV drug 100% protective
Nature Biotechnology ( IF 33.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.1038/s41587-024-02369-y

A drug has completely prevented HIV infections in a phase 3 trial, the first time this has been achieved. Gilead’s antiretroviral drug lenacapavir was tested in over 5,300 young women in South Africa and Uganda, and none of them developed HIV infection. The HIV-1 capsid inhibitor was delivered by subcutaneous injections twice a year for pre-exposure prophylaxis. In the group of women who were instead instructed to take oral Truvada (emtricitabine–tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) daily as prevention, the incidence of HIV was 1.7 per 100 person-years and the background HIV incidence was 2.4 per 100 person-years. The results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine and presented at the AIDS 2024 conference in Munich, Germany.

Twice-yearly injections to prevent infection will improve the drug’s uptake. In the trial, most women on Truvada did not take the pill daily as recommended, whereas 92% received the injections on time.



一种药物在三期试验中完全预防了艾滋病毒感染,这是首次实现这一目标。吉利德公司的抗逆转录病毒药物lenacapavir在南非和乌干达的5,300多名年轻女性身上进行了测试,没有一人感染艾滋病毒。 HIV-1 衣壳抑制剂每年通过皮下注射两次进行暴露前预防。在被指示每天口服 Truvada(恩曲他滨-富马酸替诺福韦二吡呋酯)作为预防措施的妇女组中,HIV 发病率为每 100 人年 1.7 例,背景 HIV 发病率为每 100 人年 2.4 例。研究结果发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》上,并在德国慕尼黑举行的 2024 年艾滋病会议上公布。

每年两次注射以预防感染将提高药物的吸收。在试验中,大多数服用 Truvada 的女性没有按照建议每天服用药物,而 92% 的女性按时接受了注射。
