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Black holes regulate cool gas accretion in massive galaxies
Nature ( IF 50.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07821-2
Tao Wang 1, 2 , Ke Xu 1, 2 , Yuxuan Wu 1, 2 , Yong Shi 1, 2 , David Elbaz 3 , Luis C Ho 4, 5 , Zhi-Yu Zhang 1, 2 , Qiusheng Gu 1, 2 , Yijun Wang 1, 2 , Chenggang Shu 6 , Feng Yuan 7 , Xiaoyang Xia 8 , Kai Wang 4

The nucleus of almost all massive galaxies contains a supermassive black hole (BH)1. The feedback from the accretion of these BHs is often considered to have crucial roles in establishing the quiescence of massive galaxies2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, although some recent studies show that even galaxies hosting the most active BHs do not exhibit a reduction in their molecular gas reservoirs or star formation rates15,16,17. Therefore, the influence of BHs on galaxy star formation remains highly debated and lacks direct evidence. Here, based on a large sample of nearby galaxies with measurements of masses of both BHs and atomic hydrogen (HI), the main component of the interstellar medium18, we show that the HI gas mass to stellar masses ratio (μHI = MHI/M) is more strongly correlated with BH masses (MBH) than with any other galaxy parameters, including stellar mass, stellar mass surface density and bulge masses. Moreover, once the μHIMBH correlation is considered, μHI loses dependence on other galactic parameters, demonstrating that MBH serves as the primary driver of μHI. These findings provide important evidence for how the accumulated energy from BH accretion regulates the cool gas content in galaxies, by ejecting interstellar medium gas and/or suppressing gas cooling from the circumgalactic medium.



几乎所有大质量星系的核心都包含一个超大质量黑洞(BH) 1 。这些黑洞吸积的反馈通常被认为在建立大质量星系的静止状态中起着至关重要的作用2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 ,尽管有些最近的研究表明,即使是拥有最活跃的黑洞的星系,其分子气库或恒星形成率也没有减少15,16,17 。因此,黑洞对星系恒星形成的影响仍然存在很大争议,并且缺乏直接证据。在这里,基于附近星系的大样本以及对 BH 和星际介质主要成分18原子氢 (HI) 质量的测量,我们表明 HI 气体质量与恒星质量之比 ( μ HI = M HI / M ) 与 BH 质量 ( M BH ) 的相关性比与任何其他星系参数(包括恒星质量、恒星质量表面密度和核球质量)的相关性更强。此外,一旦考虑μ HIM BH相关性, μ HI就失去了对其他星系参数的依赖,这表明 MBHμ HI的主要驱动因素。这些发现为BH吸积所积累的能量如何通过喷射星际介质气体和/或抑制环星系介质的气体冷却来调节星系中冷气体的含量提供了重要证据。
