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Enhancing froth flotation performance of iron oxide apatite ore tailings through synergistic utilization of organosolv lignin particles and tall oil fatty acid-based collector
Minerals Engineering ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2024.108868
July Ann Bazar , Kateřina Hrůzová , Rickard Jolsterå , Leonidas Matsakas , Ulrika Rova , Paul Christakopoulos

Beneficiation of the tailings from Iron Oxide Apatite (IOA) ore has become an important topic in the field of mineral processing as phosphate rock is considered as critical raw material by the European Union. Driven by the strong call for sustainability and green technology, this paper introduces the application of novel and bio-based organosolv lignin particles (OLP) as a reagent for apatite flotation. In the artificial mineral mixture flotation tests, OLP addition or replacement to tall oil fatty acid-based collector (TOFA) was shown to improve flotation kinetics and recovery. In this study, it was demonstrated that one of the widely used commercial TOFA collectors could be replaced with OLP by 70 %. The replacement led to an increase in recovery (+2%) and only a minimal decrease in P grade (−0.3 %) for the rougher-cleaner flotation tests in one of the two feed types tested. The influence of OLP and other reagents on apatite floatability has been investigated through Hallimond tube tests and laboratory scale batch flotation tests as well as zeta potential measurements and spectroscopy tests to further understand the possible mechanism and synergism of reagents in the apatite flotation system.



由于磷矿被欧盟视为关键原材料,氧化铁磷灰石(IOA)矿石尾矿的选矿已成为选矿领域的一个重要课题。在可持续发展和绿色技术的强烈呼声的推动下,本文介绍了新型生物基有机溶剂木质素颗粒(OLP)作为磷灰石浮选试剂的应用。在人造矿物混合物浮选试验中,添加或替代妥尔油脂肪酸捕收剂 (TOFA) 中的 OLP 可以改善浮选动力学和回收率。本研究证明,一种广泛使用的商业 TOFA 收集器可以用 OLP 替代 70%。对于所测试的两种进料类型之一的粗选-选矿浮选测试,更换导致回收率提高 (+2%),并且 P 品位仅略有下降 (-0.3%)。通过哈利蒙德管试验和实验室规模批量浮选试验以及zeta电位测量和光谱测试,研究了OLP和其他试剂对磷灰石可浮性的影响,以进一步了解磷灰石浮选体系中试剂的可能机制和协同作用。