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Critical Rural Theory: A Decade of Influence on Rural Education Research☆
Rural Sociology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12556
Wendy Pfrenger 1

Rural education researchers have long been interested in the impact of increasing urbanization, with its attendant shifts in policy, culture, and capital mobility, on rural people and communities, but their findings have existed largely to the side of “mainstream” research examining urban and suburban populations. With the publication in 2011 of Critical Rural Theory: Structure, Space, Culture, scholars acquired a new theoretical tool for inquiring into processes of place‐making, identity formation, curricular design, and policy implementation. This article establishes key elements of the theory as they have been applied in both K‐12 and higher education research, giving attention to current gaps in the literature as well as future directions for theoretical elaboration. Essential areas of focus include critical rural theory's applications in K‐12 curricula and policy studies as well as research on community capitals, college transitions, and intersectional identity in higher education contexts.



农村教育研究人员长期以来一直对日益城市化的影响及其随之而来的政策、文化和资本流动性的变化对农村人口和社区的影响感兴趣,但他们的研究结果主要站在考察城市和社区的“主流”研究的一边。郊区人口。随着 2011 年出版批判乡村理论:结构、空间、文化学者们获得了一种新的理论工具来探究场所营造、身份形成、课程设计和政策实施的过程。本文确立了该理论的关键要素,因为它们已应用于 K-12 和高等教育研究,关注当前文献中的空白以及未来理论阐述的方向。重点关注领域包括批判农村理论在 K-12 课程和政策研究中的应用,以及对社区资本、大学转型和高等教育背景下的交叉认同的研究。