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Risk and Protective Factors in Children Bullying Perpetration: Application of the Multiple Disadvantage Model
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241270009
Tyrone C Cheng 1 , Celia C Lo 2

This secondary study examined bullying perpetration’s relationships with social disorganization, social structural factors, social relationships, mental health, and access to health insurance and care. A sample of 30,173 children age 6 to 17 years was extracted from the 2021 National Survey of Children’s Health for secondary data analysis. Logistic regression results demonstrated that these children’s likelihood of bullying perpetration was positively associated with racial discrimination, child age 6 to 10 years, child age 11 to 13 years, parent education level, employed parent, neighbor support, family violence, difficulty parenting the child, child difficulty with peers, child behavioral/conduct problems, family substance use problem, and child receipt of mental health services; such likelihood also had negative associations with safe neighborhood, Black, Asian, other non-Hispanic ethnic minority, parent age, and family cohesiveness. Implications included interventions to promote awareness of racial discrimination for families as well as bully prevention programs in schools and communities.



这项二次研究考察了欺凌行为与社会解体、社会结构因素、社会关系、心理健康以及获得健康保险和护理的关系。从2021年全国儿童健康调查中抽取了30173名6至17岁儿童样本进行二次数据分析。 Logistic回归结果表明,这些儿童发生欺凌行为的可能性与种族歧视、6至10岁儿童、11至13岁儿童、家长教育水平、受雇父母、邻居支持、家庭暴力、养育孩子困难、儿童与同龄人相处困难、儿童行为/举止问题、家庭药物使用问题以及儿童接受心理健康服务;这种可能性还与安全社区、黑人、亚洲人、其他非西班牙裔少数族裔、父母年龄和家庭凝聚力存在负相关。影响包括提高家庭对种族歧视认识的干预措施以及学校和社区的欺凌预防计划。