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Remembering history: Autobiographical memory for the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns, psychological adjustment, and their relation over time
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14131
Tirill Fjellhaugen Hjuler 1 , Daniel Lee 2 , Simona Ghetti 3

This longitudinal study examined age- and gender-related differences in autobiographical memory about the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and whether the content of these memories predicted psychological adjustment over time. A sample of 247 students (Mage = 11.94, range 8–16 years, 51.4% female, 85.4% White) was recruited from public and private schools in Denmark and assessed three times from June 2020 to June 2021. The findings showed that memories weakened over time in detail and emotional valence. Additionally, psychological well-being decreased over time, with adolescent females faring the worst. Critically, memories including higher levels of negative affect and factual information about COVID-19 and the lockdown predicted worse psychological well-being over time, underscoring aspects of autobiographical memory that might help attenuate the negative consequences of the lockdown.


记住历史:对 COVID-19 大流行封锁、心理调整及其随时间的关系的自传体记忆

这项纵向研究检查了关于 COVID-19 大流行封锁的自传体记忆中与年龄和性别相关的差异,以及这些记忆的内容是否预测了随着时间的推移的心理调整。从丹麦的公立和私立学校招募了 247 名学生(M年龄 = 11.94,年龄在 8-16 岁之间,51.4% 为女性,85.4% 为白人),并于 2020 年 6 月至 2021 年 6 月进行了 3 次评估。研究结果表明,随着时间的推移,记忆的细节和情感效价会减弱。此外,心理健康随着时间的推移而下降,其中青春期女性的情况最差。至关重要的是,包括更高水平的负面影响和有关 COVID-19 和封锁的事实信息的记忆预示着随着时间的推移,心理健康会变差,这强调了自传体记忆可能有助于减轻封锁的负面后果的各个方面。