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Mosquitoes as Vectors of Mycobacterium ulcerans Based on Analysis of Notifications of Alphavirus Infection and Buruli Ulcer, Victoria, Australia
Emerging Infectious Diseases ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.3201/eid3009.231073
Andrew H Buultjens , Ee Laine Tay , Aidan Yuen , N Deborah Friedman , Timothy P Stinear , Paul D R Johnson

Alphavirus infections are transmitted by mosquitoes, but the mode of transmission for Mycobacterium ulcerans, which causes Buruli ulcer, is contested. Using notification data for Victoria, Australia, during 2017–2022, adjusted for incubation period, we show close alignment between alphavirus and Buruli ulcer seasons, supporting the hypothesis of mosquito transmission of M. ulcerans.



甲病毒感染通过蚊子传播,但导致布鲁里溃疡的溃疡分枝杆菌的传播方式存在争议。使用 2017 年至 2022 年澳大利亚维多利亚州的通知数据,并根据潜伏期进行调整,我们显示甲病毒和布鲁里溃疡季节之间密切相关,支持了蚊子传播溃疡分枝杆菌的假设。
