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Autochthonous Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania tropica, Identified by Using Whole-Genome Sequencing, Sri Lanka
Emerging Infectious Diseases ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.3201/eid3009.231238
Hermali Silva , Tiago R. Ferreira , Kajan Muneeswaran , Sumudu R. Samarasinghe , Eliza V.C. Alves-Ferreira , Michael E. Grigg , Naduviladath V. Chandrasekharan , David L. Sacks , Nadira D. Karunaweera

Cutaneous leishmaniasis is atypical in Sri Lanka because Leishmania donovani, which typically causes visceral disease, is the causative agent. The origins of recently described hybrids between L. donovani and other Leishmania spp. usually responsible for cutaneous leishmaniasis remain unknown. Other endemic dermotropic Leishmania spp. have not been reported in Sri Lanka. Genome analysis of 27 clinical isolates from Sri Lanka and 32 Od World Leishmania spp. strains found 8 patient isolates clustered with L. tropica and 19 with L. donovani. The L. tropica isolates from Sri Lanka shared markers with strain LtK26 reported decades ago in India, indicating they were not products of recent interspecies hybridization. Because L. tropica was isolated from patients with leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka, our findings indicate L. donovani is not the only cause of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka and potentially explains a haplotype that led to interspecies dermotropic L. donovani hybrids.



皮肤利什曼病在斯里兰卡并不典型,因为通常引起内脏疾病的杜氏利什曼原虫是病原体。最近描述的杜诺瓦尼利什曼原虫与其他利什曼原虫属杂交的起源。通常导致皮肤利什曼病的原因仍不清楚。其他地方性皮肤嗜热性利什曼原虫属。斯里兰卡尚未见报道。来自斯里兰卡的 27 种临床分离株和 32 种世界利什曼原虫属的基因组分析。菌株发现8个患者分离株与热带乳杆菌聚集在一起,19个与杜诺瓦尼乳杆菌聚集在一起。来自斯里兰卡的热带乳杆菌分离株与数十年前在印度报道的Lt K26 菌株具有相同的标记,表明它们不是最近种间杂交的产物。由于热带利什曼原虫是从斯里兰卡的利什曼病患者中分离出来的,因此我们的研究结果表明,杜诺瓦尼利什曼原虫并不是斯里兰卡皮肤利什曼病的唯一原因,并可能解释导致种间嗜皮肤利什曼原虫杂交的单倍型。
