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False-Profile Radiograph Sourcil-Edge and Bone-Edge Measurements Correlate to Different Weightbearing Regions of the Acetabulum: A 3-Dimensional Analysis
The American Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.1177/03635465241265679
Joseph Featherall 1 , Allan K Metz 1 , Devin L Froerer 2 , Reece M Rosenthal 1 , Dillon C O'Neill 1 , Ameen Z Khalil 1 , Travis G Maak 1 , Stephen K Aoki 1

Background:The acetabular sourcil is commonly interpreted as a reliable radiographic representation of the weightbearing dome of the acetabulum, despite limited modern data. Assessment of weightbearing acetabular coverage has been described using both the sourcil edge and bone edge as anatomic landmarks, leading to confusion and potential misguidance in surgical decision-making and thus compromised patient outcomes.Purpose/Hypothesis:The purpose of this study was to characterize the 3-dimensional (3D) anatomic correlates of the sourcil-edge and bone-edge radiographic measurements on false-profile radiographs. It was hypothesized that the sourcil edge would represent anterolateral coverage and the bone edge would represent anterior coverage.Study Design:Descriptive laboratory study.Methods:A total of 80 hips were grouped by large or small differences between bone-edge and sourcil-edge anterior center-edge angles, based on upper and lower quartiles of discrepancy. Three-dimensional surface mesh models and digitally reconstructed radiographs were generated from hip computed tomography scans. Sourcil-edge and bone-edge anterior center-edge angles were identified on digitally reconstructed radiographs and registered to the 3D models with fiducial markers. Intersections of bone-edge and sourcil-edge projection lines with the acetabular rim were obtained from the 3D models.Results:The bone-edge and sourcil-edge projections intersected the acetabular rim at clockface means of 2:05 ± 0:22 and 1:12 ± 0:25, respectively. The 3D models consistently demonstrated that, in both large- and small-discrepancy groups, the sourcil edge corresponded to the acetabular area just posterior to the anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) projection, and the bone edge corresponded to the weightbearing region inferior to the AIIS. Additionally, in large-discrepancy hips, the bone edge corresponded to more prominent acetabular coverage in the region inferomedial to the AIIS when compared with the small-discrepancy hips.Conclusion:On false-profile radiographs, the sourcil edge corresponds to superior femoral head coverage, and the bone edge corresponds to anterosuperior coverage. Radiographs with a large discrepancy between sourcil-edge and bone-edge measurements demonstrate acetabular rim prominence in the region of the AIIS.Clinical Relevance:Characterizing the anatomic weightbearing regions of the acetabulum represented on false-profile radiographs facilitates improved clinical and intraoperative decision-making in hip preservation surgery, including acetabuloplasty and periacetabular osteotomy.


假轮廓放射线照片源边缘和骨边缘测量与髋臼的不同承重区域相关:3 维分析

背景:尽管现代数据有限,但髋臼源通常被解释为髋臼承重圆顶的可靠放射学表征。使用源边缘和骨边缘作为解剖标志来描述承重髋臼覆盖范围的评估,这会导致手术决策中的混乱和潜在的误导,从而损害患者的结果。 目的/假设:本研究的目的是表征假轮廓射线照片上源边缘和骨边缘射线照相测量的 3 维 (3D) 解剖学相关性。假设源边缘代表前外侧覆盖,骨边缘代表前侧覆盖。研究设计:描述性实验室研究。方法:根据骨边缘和源边缘前部之间的大小差异对总共 80 个髋关节进行分组。中心边缘角度,基于差异的上四分位数和下四分位数。三维表面网格模型和数字重建的射线照片是通过髋部计算机断层扫描生成的。在数字重建的射线照片上识别源边缘和骨边缘前中心边缘角度,并用基准标记注册到 3D 模型。从 3D 模型中获得骨边缘和源边缘投影线与髋臼边缘的交点。结果:骨边缘和源边缘投影在钟面处与髋臼边缘相交,平均值为 2:05 ± 0:22 和 1分别为:12 ± 0:25。 3D 模型一致证明,在大差异组和小差异组中,源边缘对应于髂前下棘 (AIIS) 投影后方的髋臼区域,而骨边缘对应于下方的承重区域。人工智能信息系统。此外,与小差异髋关节相比,在大差异髋关节中,与小差异髋关节相比,骨边缘对应于 AIIS 下内侧区域更突出的髋臼覆盖。 结论:在假剖面 X 线照片上,源边缘对应于上股骨头覆盖,骨骼边缘对应于前上方覆盖范围。源边缘和骨边缘测量之间存在较大差异的射线照片表明 AIIS 区域的髋臼边缘突出。临床相关性:表征假剖面射线照片上代表的髋臼的解剖承重区域有助于改善临床和术中决策髋关节保留手术,包括髋臼成形术和髋臼周围截骨术。