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The Global Impact of Multisystemic Vulnerabilities on Criminal Variety: A Cross-Continental Study in Young Adults
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241270016
Lidón Villanueva 1 , Laura Maciel 2 , Aitana Gomis-Pomares 1 , Maria Gouveia-Pereira 3 , Juan E Adrián 1 , Maria Suely Alves Costa 4 , André Sousa Rocha 5 , Jocélia Medeiros Ximenes 6 , Mathieu Garcia 7, 8, 9 , Emma Rouchy 7, 8 , Grégory Michel 7, 8 , Ameel Al Shawi 10 , Yaseen Sarhan 11 , Mahasin A Altaha 11 , Celso Fulano 12 , Sofián El-Astal 13 , Kefaya Alattar 14 , Saja O Shaqalaih 14 , Khetam Sabbah 15 , Leon Holtzhausen 16 , Emma Campbell 16 , Jaruwan Sakulku 17 , Lucinda Grummitt 18 , Emma Barrett 18 , Siobhan Lawler 18 , Nicola C Newton 18 , Katrina Prior 18 , Miguel Basto-Pereira 2

Previous research has shown a robust association between different childhood and adolescent vulnerabilities and youth offending. However, these investigations have primarily focused on youths from high-income Western countries. Consequently, the generalizability of these findings to better inform global justice policies remains uncertain. This study aimed to address this gap by examining the relationship between individual, familial, and contextual vulnerabilities and criminal versatility during young adulthood, accounting for sociodemographic factors and cross-national differences. Data were derived from a diverse sample of 4,182 young adults (67% female; mean age = 18.96; SD = 0.81) residing in 10 countries across 5 continents who participated in the International Study of Pro/Antisocial Behavior in Young Adults. The Psychosocial and Family Vulnerability Questionnaire and the Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire were used to assess social and family adversity, and past-year criminal diversity was measured with the Criminal Variety Index. Results indicate that child maltreatment, substance abuse, and delinquent peers are global risk factors for criminal variety. Moreover, they are independent across males and females and among youths living in countries that are ranked differently on the Human Development Index (HDI). In addition, some childhood vulnerabilities showed different predictive ability across sexes (e.g., school failure), and across countries ranked differently on the HDI (e.g., family dysfunction). These findings suggest that certain childhood factors contribute to criminal behavior through transcultural mechanisms. Moreover, they highlight the importance of developing evidence-based policies that focus on transcultural risk factors to globally prevent criminal behavior.



先前的研究表明,不同的儿童和青少年脆弱性与青少年犯罪之间存在密切关联。然而,这些调查主要针对来自高收入西方国家的年轻人。因此,这些研究结果能否普遍适用于更好地为全球司法政策提供信息仍然不确定。本研究旨在通过研究个人、家庭和背景脆弱性与青年时期犯罪多样性之间的关系,并考虑到社会人口因素和跨国差异,来解决这一差距。数据来自居住在五大洲 10 个国家的 4,182 名年轻人(67% 为女性;平均年龄 = 18.96;SD = 0.81)的不同样本,他们参与了国际年轻人亲社会/反社会行为研究。使用社会心理和家庭脆弱性调查问卷和不良童年经历调查问卷来评估社会和家庭逆境,并使用犯罪多样性指数来衡量过去一年的犯罪多样性。结果表明,虐待儿童、药物滥用和同龄人犯罪是全球犯罪种类的风险因素。此外,他们在男性和女性以及生活在人类发展指数(HDI)排名不同的国家的年轻人中是独立的。此外,一些儿童脆弱性在不同性别之间表现出不同的预测能力(例如,学业失败),并且不同国家在人类发展指数(HDI)上的排名也不同(例如,家庭功能障碍)。这些发现表明,某些童年因素通过跨文化机制导致犯罪行为。 此外,他们强调了制定注重跨文化风险因素的循证政策的重要性,以在全球范围内预防犯罪行为。