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A Safe Haven Through Attachment: A Dyadic Perspective on the Association Between Cumulative Childhood Trauma and Relationship Satisfaction
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241270013
Mathilde Baumann 1 , Marie-Ève Daspe 2 , Claude Bélanger 1 , Natacha Godbout 1

Cumulative childhood trauma (CCT) increases the risk of experiencing interpersonal problems and relationship distress in adulthood. However, not all CCT survivors experience such difficulties, and little research has investigated protective factors against relationship dissatisfaction in CCT survivors and their partners. Romantic attachment might be one such factor that could reduce the harmful effects of a CCT history on relationship satisfaction for both survivors and their partners. Using a dyadic perspective, this study aimed to examine the association between CCT and relationship satisfaction and to test the moderating effect of attachment avoidance and anxiety on this association. A sample of 501 couples was recruited through a Canadian survey firm. Canadian couples who had provided their telephone number were randomly selected to complete the short form of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, and the Childhood Cumulative Trauma Questionnaire. The actor–partner interdependence moderation model was used to guide the analyses. Results showed that individuals’ and partners’ higher CCT was correlated with both partners’ lower relationship satisfaction. The analyses revealed a moderating effect of lower attachment avoidance on the link between individuals’ CCT and their own relationship satisfaction. Specifically, individuals’ CCT was significantly and negatively associated with relationship satisfaction at high levels of attachment avoidance, but unrelated to relationship satisfaction at low levels of attachment avoidance. The final model explained 31.4% of the variance in relationship satisfaction. Overall, the findings support the relevance of couple interventions that focus on romantic attachment to improve relationship well-being in couples where one or both partners have experienced CCT.



累积性童年创伤(CCT)会增加成年后遇到人际关系问题和关系困扰的风险。然而,并非所有 CCT 幸存者都会遇到这样的困难,而且很少有研究调查 CCT 幸存者及其伴侣关系不满的保护因素。浪漫依恋可能是这样的因素之一,可以减少 CCT 历史对幸存者及其伴侣关系满意度的有害影响。本研究采用二元视角,旨在检验 CCT 与关系满意度之间的关联,并测试依恋回避和焦虑对此关联的调节作用。通过加拿大一家调查公司招募了 501 对夫妇作为样本。随机选择提供电话号码的加拿大夫妇来填写简短的二元调整量表、亲密关系经历量表和童年累积创伤问卷。行动者-合作伙伴相互依赖调节模型用于指导分析。结果表明,个人和伴侣较高的 CCT 与伴侣较低的关系满意度相关。分析表明,较低的依恋回避对个人的 CCT 与其自身关系满意度之间的联系具有调节作用。具体来说,个体的 CCT 与高依恋回避水平的关系满意度显着负相关,但与低依恋回避水平的关系满意度无关。最终模型解释了 31.4% 的关系满意度差异。 总体而言,研究结果支持夫妻干预措施的相关性,重点是浪漫依恋,以改善一方或双方都经历过 CCT 的夫妻的关系幸福感。