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Squaring circular supply chain management: A comprehensive overview of emerging themes and trends
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-14 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3932
Noelia Garcia‐Buendia 1 , Miguel Núñez‐Merino 2 , José Moyano‐Fuentes 3 , Juan Manuel Maqueira‐Marín 3

Circular supply chain management (CSCM) is the revolutionary integration of circular principles into supply chain management and the supply chain environment to achieve zero waste and outperform traditional supply chain sustainability models in advancing supply chain circularity. This study examines CSCM and the corresponding literature to highlight key research themes and trends. An advanced iteration of the Systematic Science Mapping analysis methodology has been designed and implemented with a Named Entity Recognition approach to extract relevant information from scientific articles. Key themes are revealed such as essential capabilities for circularity in the supply chain, circular business models, sustainable supplier selection and blockchain technology's role. The article gives insights into current research and identifies emerging trends in CSCM. This exploration aims to provide a nuanced understanding of CSCM's transformative power and shed light on its practical implications.



循环供应链管理(CSCM)是将循环原则革命性地融入供应链管理和供应链环境中,以实现零浪费,并在推进供应链循环方面优于传统的供应链可持续发展模式。本研究考察了 CSCM 和相应的文献,以突出关键的研究主题和趋势。系统科学图谱分析方法的高级迭代已通过命名实体识别方法设计和实施,以从科学文章中提取相关信息。揭示了关键主题,例如供应链循环的基本能力、循环商业模式、可持续供应商选择和区块链技术的作用。本文深入探讨了当前的研究并确定了 CSCM 的新兴趋势。这一探索旨在提供对 CSCM 变革力量的细致了解,并阐明其实际意义。