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Do sustainable supply chain practices mitigate carbon emissions? The role of supplier environmental, social and governance training
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3931
Abdullah S. Karaman 1 , Nejla Ould Daoud Ellili 2 , Ali Uyar 3

Over 75% of a firm's carbon footprint is attributed to logistics activities and transportation related to the acquisition, production, and distribution of materials and goods. Green supply chain management is considered a way to reduce carbon emissions and address climate change concerns. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate whether sustainable supply chain practices reduce carbon emissions and whether supplier environmental, social, and governance (ESG) training further enhances this effect, thereby reinforcing the negative association. We collected data for an international sample of manufacturing firms from Thomson Reuters Eikon for the period between 2002 and 2021 and ran a country–year fixed‐effects regression. To address endogeneity, we also utilized two‐stage least squares regression, propensity score matching, and entropy balancing. Our findings indicate that sustainable supply chain practices alleviate carbon emissions. Furthermore, we found that supplier ESG training strengthens this relationship, leading to even higher reductions in carbon emissions. Specifically, this training reinforces the negative association between sustainable supply chain practices and carbon emissions, resulting in a more pronounced decrease in carbon emissions. These results are robust to alternative proxies, samples, and endogeneity concerns. Our study highlights the importance of policy development and collaborative interorganizational actions among supply chain partners in developing solutions to climate change issues. As supply chain activities generate high levels of emissions and regulatory press is mounting, our findings may help firms take proactive actions for greener supply chain management and avoid regulatory sanctions. Additionally, we found that institutional strength stimulates firms' clean supply chain practices. Therefore, we advise policymakers to develop and implement necessary policies in less developed countries with weak public environmental regulations.



公司超过 75% 的碳足迹归因于与材料和货物的采购、生产和分销相关的物流活动和运输。绿色供应链管理被认为是减少碳排放和解决气候变化问题的一种方式。因此,本研究旨在调查可持续供应链实践是否减少碳排放,以及供应商环境、社会和治理(ESG)培训是否进一步增强这种效果,从而强化负关联。我们从汤森路透 Eikon 收集了 2002 年至 2021 年期间国际制造企业样本的数据,并进行了国家/地区/年固定效应回归。为了解决内生性问题,我们还利用了两阶段最小二乘回归、倾向得分匹配和熵平衡。我们的研究结果表明,可持续供应链实践可以减少碳排放。此外,我们发现供应商 ESG 培训加强了这种关系,从而进一步减少碳排放。具体来说,该培训强化了可持续供应链实践与碳排放之间的负相关性,从而导致碳排放量的减少更加明显。这些结果对于替代代理、样本和内生性问题来说是稳健的。我们的研究强调了供应链合作伙伴之间政策制定和组织间协作行动在制定气候变化问题解决方案方面的重要性。由于供应链活动产生高水平的排放,且监管压力不断加大,我们的研究结果可能有助于企业采取积极行动,实现绿色供应链管理并避免监管制裁。 此外,我们发现制度力量可以刺激企业的清洁供应链实践。因此,我们建议政策制定者在公共环境法规薄弱的欠发达国家制定和实施必要的政策。