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The interpreter's role and deaf students' autonomy in mainstream classrooms.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-06-24 , DOI: 10.1093/deafed/enae009
Lisa M Prinzi 1

This article explores the interpreter's role and approaches to working with deaf students as seen from deaf individuals' and interpreters' perspectives. A group of 41 formerly mainstreamed deaf individuals and interpreters offered insights into how the interpreter's role in mainstream classrooms influences deaf student autonomy and participation. This research illustrates the significance of autonomy for mainstreamed deaf students and suggests a correlation between the interpreter's role and deaf students' perceived autonomy in the classroom. In addition, the findings suggest that deaf students do not always know what an interpreter is supposed to do in K-12 classrooms. This study also finds that educational team members do not always explicitly communicate their roles and responsibilities to deaf students, leading to confusion that impacts their autonomy and overall experience. Finally, this research finds that deaf students are not trained with the ability to negotiate and renegotiate the interpreter's role. This article concludes with considerations and recommendations for deaf education and interpreter education communities.



本文从聋人个人和口译员的角度探讨了口译员的角色以及与聋哑学生合作的方法。由 41 名以前主流化的聋哑人和口译员组成的小组提供了关于口译员在主流课堂中的角色如何影响聋哑学生的自主性和参与性的见解。这项研究说明了自主性对于主流聋哑学生的重要性,并提出了口译员的角色与聋哑学生在课堂上感知的自主性之间的相关性。此外,研究结果表明,聋哑学生并不总是知道口译员在 K-12 教室中应该做什么。这项研究还发现,教育团队成员并不总是向聋哑学生明确传达他们的角色和责任,导致混乱,影响他们的自主权和整体体验。最后,这项研究发现,聋哑学生没有接受过协商和重新协商口译员角色能力的培训。本文最后提出了对聋人教育和口译教育社区的考虑和建议。