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The clustering of Lyman Alpha Emitting galaxies at 𝗓=2–3
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/08/020
Martin White , A. Raichoor , Arjun Dey , Lehman H. Garrison , Eric Gawiser , D. Lang , Kyoung-soo Lee , A.D. Myers , D. Schlegel , F. Valdes , J. Aguilar , S. Ahlen , D. Brooks , E. Chaussidon , T. Claybaugh , K. Dawson , A. de la Macorra , Biprateep Dey , P. Doel , K. Fanning , A. Font-Ribera , J.E. Forero-Romero , S. Gontcho A Gontcho , G. Gutierrez , J. Guy , K. Honscheid , D. Kirkby , A. Kremin , M. Landriau , L. Le Guillou , M.E. Levi , C. Magneville , M. Manera , P. Martini , A. Meisner , R. Miquel , B. Moon , J.A. Newman , G. Niz , N. Palanque-Delabrouille , C. Park , W.J. Percival , F. Prada , G. Rossi , V. Ruhlmann-Kleider , E. Sanchez , E.F. Schlafly , M. Schubnell , H. Seo , D. Sprayberry , G. Tarlé , B.A. Weaver , Y. Yang , C. Yèche , H. Zou

We measure the clustering of Lyman Alpha Emitting galaxies (LAEs) selected from the One-hundred-square-degree DECam Imaging in Narrowbands (ODIN) survey, with spectroscopic follow-up from Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). We use DESI spectroscopy to optimize our selection and to constrain the interloper fraction and redshift distribution of our narrow-band selected sources. We select samples of 4000 LAEs at z = 2.45 and 3.1 in 9 sq.deg. centered on the COSMOS field with median Lyα fluxes of ≈ 10-16 erg s-1 cm-2. Covariances and cosmological inferences are obtained from a series of mock catalogs built upon high-resolution N-body simulations that match the footprint, number density, redshift distribution and observed clustering of the sample. We find that both samples have a correlation length of r 0 = 3.0 ± 0.2 h-1 Mpc. Within our fiducial cosmology these correspond to 3D number densities of ≈ 10-3 h3 Mpc-3 and, from our mock catalogs, biases of 1.7 and 2.0 at z = 2.45 and 3.1, respectively. We discuss the implications of these measurements for the use of LAEs as large-scale structure tracers for high-redshift cosmology.


莱曼阿尔法发射星系在 𝗓=2–3 处的星团

我们测量了从百平方度窄带 DECam 成像 (ODIN) 巡天中选择的莱曼阿尔法发射星系 (LAE) 的星团,并通过暗能量光谱仪 (DESI) 进行光谱跟踪。我们使用 DESI 光谱来优化我们的选择并限制我们窄带所选光源的干扰分数和红移分布。我们在以下位置选择了 4000 个 LAE 的样本: z = 9 平方度中的 2.45 和 3.1以 COSMOS 场为中心,中值 Lyα 通量为 ≈ 10 -16 erg s -1 cm -2 。协方差和宇宙学推论是从一系列基于高分辨率 N 体模拟的模拟目录中获得的,这些模拟目录与样本的足迹、数密度、红移分布和观察到的聚类相匹配。我们发现两个样本的相关长度为r 0 = 3.0 ± 0.2 h -1 Mpc。在我们的基准宇宙学中,这些对应于 ≈ 10 -3 h 3 Mpc -3的 3D 数密度,并且从我们的模拟目录中,偏差为 1.7 和 2.0 z分别 = 2.45 和 3.1。我们讨论了这些测量对于使用 LAE 作为高红移宇宙学的大规模结构示踪剂的影响。