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Food-sourcing from on-farm trees mediates positive relationships between tree cover and dietary quality in Malawi
Nature Food ( IF 23.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.1038/s43016-024-01028-4 Emilie Vansant 1 , Bowy den Braber 1 , Charlotte Hall 1, 2 , Judith Kamoto 3 , Florian Reiner 1 , Johan Oldekop 4 , Laura Vang Rasmussen 1
Nature Food ( IF 23.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-13 , DOI: 10.1038/s43016-024-01028-4 Emilie Vansant 1 , Bowy den Braber 1 , Charlotte Hall 1, 2 , Judith Kamoto 3 , Florian Reiner 1 , Johan Oldekop 4 , Laura Vang Rasmussen 1
Food security policies often overlook the potential of trees to provide micronutrient-rich foods. Here, through causal mediation analysis, we show the positive effect of tree cover on micronutrient adequacy, explained by people sourcing food from on-farm trees. Detailed survey data (n = 460 households with repeated surveys) from Malawi were linked to high-resolution (3 m) tree-cover data to capture forest and non-forest trees. Our findings support integrating nutrition and landscape restoration policies.
粮食安全政策常常忽视树木提供富含微量营养素的食物的潜力。在这里,通过因果中介分析,我们展示了树木覆盖率对微量营养素充足性的积极影响,这可以通过人们从农场树木中采购食物来解释。来自马拉维的详细调查数据( n = 460 个重复调查的家庭)与高分辨率 (3 m) 树木覆盖数据相关联,以捕获森林和非森林树木。我们的研究结果支持整合营养和景观恢复政策。