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A subdural CMOS optical device for bidirectional neural interfacing
Nature Electronics ( IF 33.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41928-024-01209-w
Eric H. Pollmann , Heyu Yin , Ilke Uguz , Agrita Dubey , Katie E. Wingel , John S. Choi , Sajjad Moazeni , Yatin Gilhotra , Victoria Andino-Pavlovsky , Adam Banees , Abhinav Parihar , Vivek Boominathan , Jacob T. Robinson , Ashok Veeraraghavan , Vincent A. Pieribone , Bijan Pesaran , Kenneth L. Shepard

Optical neurotechnologies use light to interface with neurons and can monitor and manipulate neural activity with high spatial-temporal precision over large cortical areas. There has been considerable progress in miniaturizing microscopes for head-mounted configurations, but existing devices are bulky and their application in humans will require a more non-invasive, fully implantable form factor. Here we report an ultrathin, miniaturized subdural complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) optical device for bidirectional optical stimulation and recording. We use a custom CMOS application-specific integrated circuit that is capable of both fluorescence imaging and optogenetic stimulation, creating a probe with a total thickness of less than 200 µm, which is thin enough to lie entirely within the subdural space of the primate brain. We show that the device can be used for imaging and optical stimulation in a mouse model and can be used to decode reach movement speed in a non-human primate.


用于双向神经接口的硬膜下 CMOS 光学装置

光学神经技术使用光与神经元交互,可以在大皮层区域以高时空精度监测和操纵神经活动。头戴式显微镜的小型化已经取得了相当大的进展,但现有设备体积庞大,它们在人体中的应用将需要更加非侵入性、完全植入式的外形。在这里,我们报告了一种用于双向光学刺激和记录的超薄、小型硬膜下互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)光学装置。我们使用定制的 CMOS 专用集成电路,能够进行荧光成像和光遗传学刺激,创建了总厚度小于 200 µm 的探针,该探针足够薄,可以完全位于灵长类动物大脑的硬膜下腔内。我们证明该设备可用于小鼠模型的成像和光学刺激,并且可用于解码非人类灵长类动物的运动速度。
