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Cultural adaptation of a trauma-informed mind-body intervention for survivors of human trafficking
International Social Work ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 , DOI: 10.1177/00208728241269661
Laura Cordisco Tsai 1 , Sophie Namy 2 , Carmina Charmaine G Domingo 3 , Catherine Carlson 4

In this Voices from Practice article, we present the process for adapting a 12-week mind-body group mental health intervention from development and implementation in Uganda for implementation with human trafficking survivors in the Philippines. We summarize key steps in the intervention adaptation process, outlining recommendations for other social work practitioners interested in culturally adapting community mental health interventions. This Voices from Practice piece provides guidance to social workers regarding an intentional and client-centered approach to adaptation of interventions across cultural contexts.



在这篇来自实践的声音文章中,我们介绍了将乌干达制定和实施的为期 12 周的身心团体心理健康干预措施调整为在菲律宾针对人口贩运幸存者实施的过程。我们总结了干预适应过程中的关键步骤,概述了对有兴趣在文化上适应社区心理健康干预措施的其他社会工作从业者的建议。这篇来自实践的声音文章为社会工作者提供了指导,帮助他们采取有意识的、以客户为中心的方法来适应跨文化背景的干预措施。