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Improving Cultural Humility Among Pediatric Patients With Complex Medical Needs.
Pediatric Annals ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.3928/19382359-20240109-02
Kimberly M. Tarver

It is not possible for every physician and patient to originate from the exact same circumstances. Because of this impossibility, the dynamics between the patient, caregivers, and physician are extremely important to prevent mistrust, disputes, de-emphasizing the values of others, or miscommunication. Similar to how many diverse groups exist in society so, too, are there numerous factors for influencing how medical care is provided and received. Multiple studies demonstrate the inequalities of access and quality of health care in pediatric primary care as well as increased morbidity and mortality rates. This may be even more prevailing within racial and ethnic communities, which are often underserved populations. This article presents an evaluation of cultural humility and how the awareness of differing viewpoints, values, and norms can assist and improve the medical care of pediatric patients with chronic complex conditions. [Pediatr Ann. 2024;53(3):e88-e92.].



每个医生和患者不可能都来自完全相同的情况。由于这种不可能性,患者、护理人员和医生之间的动态对于防止不信任、争议、淡化他人价值观或沟通不畅极为重要。就像社会上存在多少个不同的群体一样,影响医疗服务的提供和接受方式的因素也有很多。多项研究表明,儿科初级保健中的医疗保健获取和质量不平等,以及发病率和死亡率增加。这种情况在种族和族裔社区中可能更为普遍,这些社区往往是服务不足的人群。本文评估了文化谦逊,以及不同观点、价值观和规范的意识如何帮助和改善患有慢性复杂疾病的儿科患者的医疗护理。 [小儿安。 2024;53(3):e88-e92。]。