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Non-Markovianity in High-Dimensional Open Quantum Systems using Next-generation Multicore Optical Fibers
Quantum ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 , DOI: 10.22331/q-2024-08-12-1436
Santiago Rojas-Rojas 1, 2 , Daniel Martínez 1, 2, 3, 4 , Kei Sawada 1, 2 , Luciano Pereira 5 , Stephen P. Walborn 1, 2 , Esteban S. Gómez 1, 2 , Nadja K. Bernardes 6 , Gustavo Lima 1, 2

With the advent of quantum technology, the interest in communication tasks assisted by quantum systems has increased both in academia and industry. Nonetheless, the transmission of a quantum state in real-world scenarios is bounded by environmental noise, so that the quantum channel is an open quantum system. In this work, we study a high-dimensional open quantum system in a multicore optical fiber by characterizing the environmental interaction as quantum operations corresponding to probabilistic phase-flips. The experimental platform is currently state-of-the-art for quantum information processing with multicore fibers. At a given evolution stage we observe a non-Markovian behaviour of the system, which is demonstrated through a proof-of-principle implementation of the Quantum Vault protocol. A better understanding of phase-noise in multicore fibers will improve several real-world communication protocols, since they are a prime candidate to be adopted in future telecom networks.



随着量子技术的出现,学术界和工业界对量子系统辅助的通信任务的兴趣都在增加。尽管如此,现实场景中量子态的传输受到环境噪声的限制,因此量子通道是一个开放的量子系统。在这项工作中,我们通过将环境相互作用表征为与概率相位翻转相对应的量子操作,研究了多芯光纤中的高维开放量子系统。该实验平台是目前最先进的多芯光纤量子信息处理平台。在给定的演化阶段,我们观察到系统的非马尔可夫行为,这是通过 Quantum Vault 协议的原理验证实现来证明的。更好地了解多芯光纤中的相位噪声将改进多种现实世界的通信协议,因为它们是未来电信网络中采用的主要候选协议。