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CEO hubris and corporate carbon footprint: The role of gender diversity
Business Strategy and the Environment ( IF 12.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 , DOI: 10.1002/bse.3909
Frank Kwabi 1 , Samuel Fulgence 1 , Gbenga Adamolekun 2

This paper investigates the effect of an overconfident CEO on firm greenhouse gas emissions. Using panel data of 160,115 firm‐year observations from 41 countries for 2000–2021, we find a negative relationship between CEO overconfidence and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, drawing on the theories of gender socialisation and diversity, we find that great representation of females on the board further compels overconfident CEOs to reduce firm carbon emissions. Our findings are robust to varying estimation techniques and identification strategies. These findings offer important insights to green investors, corporate boards, managers and policymakers on the role of overconfident CEOs and female leadership in the carbon abatement efforts of public companies.



本文研究了过度自信的首席执行官对公司温室气体排放的影响。利用 2000 年至 2021 年 41 个国家 160,115 个公司年度观察的面板数据,我们发现 CEO 过度自信与温室气体排放之间存在负相关关系。此外,利用性别社会化和多样性的理论,我们发现董事会中女性的大量代表进一步迫使过度自信的首席执行官减少公司的碳排放。我们的研究结果对于不同的估计技术和识别策略都是稳健的。这些发现为绿色投资者、公司董事会、管理者和政策制定者提供了重要见解,帮助他们了解过度自信的首席执行官和女性领导力在上市公司碳减排工作中的作用。