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Family-Centered Early Intervention Deaf/Hard of Hearing (FCEI-DHH): Introduction.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1093/deafed/enad035
Mary Pat Moeller 1 , Elaine Gale 2 , Amy Szarkowski 3, 4 , Trudy Smith 5 , Bianca C Birdsey 6 , Sheila T F Moodie 7 , Gwen Carr 8 , Arlene Stredler-Brown 9 , Christine Yoshinaga-Itano 10 , , Daniel Holzinger 11, 12

This article is the first of eight articles in this special issue on Family-Centered Early Intervention (FCEI) for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH), or FCEI-DHH. In 2013, a diverse panel of experts published an international consensus statement on evidence-based Principles guiding FCEI-DHH. Those original Principles have been revised through a coproduction process involving multidisciplinary collaborators and an international consensus panel, utilizing the best available evidence and current understanding of how to optimally support children who are DHH and their families. This revision (referred to as expanded Principles) was motivated by the need to incorporate (a) input from family leaders and DHH leaders, (b) broader international and cultural perspectives, (c) new empirical evidence, and (d) research in human development. This Introduction provides an overview of the rationale, purposes, and main content areas to be addressed throughout the special issue.


以家庭为中心的聋哑/听力障碍早期干预 (FCEI-DHH):简介。

本文是本期关于耳聋或听力障碍儿童以家庭为中心的早期干预 (FCEI) (DHH) 或 FCEI-DHH 的八篇文章中的第一篇。 2013 年,多元化的专家小组发表了一份关于指导 FCEI-DHH 的循证原则的国际共识声明。这些最初的原则已经通过涉及多学科合作者和国际共识小组的共同制作过程进行了修订,利用了现有的最佳证据和对如何最佳地支持 DHH 儿童及其家庭的当前理解。这一修订(称为扩展原则)的动机是需要纳入 (a) 家庭领导者和 DHH 领导者的意见,(b) 更广泛的国际和文化视角,(c) 新的经验证据,以及 (d) 人类研究发展。本引言概述了整个特刊要讨论的基本原理、目的和主要内容领域。