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Family-Centered Early Intervention Deaf/Hard of Hearing (FCEI-DHH): Cultural & Global Implications.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1093/deafed/enad036
Amy Szarkowski 1, 2 , Mary Pat Moeller 3 , Elaine Gale 4 , Trudy Smith 5 , Bianca C Birdsey 6 , Sheila T F Moodie 7 , Gwen Carr 8 , Arlene Stredler-Brown 9 , Christine Yoshinaga-Itano 10 , Daniel Holzinger 11, 12 ,

This article is the third in a series of eight articles that comprise this special issue on family-centered early intervention for children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families (FCEI-DHH). It highlights the origins of FCEI-DHH in Western contexts and well-resourced locations and emphasizes the role of culture(s) in shaping FCEI-DHH. This article also cautions against the direct application of the 10 FCEI-DHH Principles presented in this issue across the globe without consideration of cultural implications. Cultural perceptions of decision-making processes and persons who can be decision-makers in FCEI-DHH are explored. Deaf culture(s) and the benefits of exposure to DHH adults with diverse backgrounds are introduced. Structural inequities that impact families' access to FCEI-DHH programs/services and systems, within and among nations and regions, are noted. The need to consider the cultural influences on families is emphasized; this applies to all levels of FCEI, including the development of systems through implementation of supports.


以家庭为中心的聋哑/听力障碍早期干预 (FCEI-DHH):文化和全球影响。

本文是本期特刊的八篇文章系列中的第三篇,主题是针对聋哑或听力困难儿童及其家人的以家庭为中心的早期干预 (FCEI-DHH)。它强调了 FCEI-DHH 在西方背景和资源丰富的地区的起源,并强调了文化在塑造 FCEI-DHH 中的作用。本文还警告不要在不考虑文化影响的情况下在全球范围内直接应用本期提出的 10 项 FCEI-DHH 原则。探讨了决策过程的文化观念以及 FCEI-DHH 中决策者的文化观念。介绍了聋人文化以及接触具有不同背景的 DHH 成年人的好处。指出了影响家庭在国家和地区内部以及之间获得 FCEI-DHH 计划/服务和系统的结构性不平等。强调需要考虑文化对家庭的影响;这适用于 FCEI 的所有级别,包括通过实施支持来开发系统。