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Family-Centered Early Intervention Deaf/Hard of Hearing (FCEI-DHH): Call to Action.
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1093/deafed/enad041
Amy Szarkowski 1, 2 , Bianca C Birdsey 3 , Trudy Smith 4 , Mary Pat Moeller 5 , Elaine Gale 6 , Sheila T F Moodie 7 , Gwen Carr 8 , Arlene Stredler-Brown 9 , Christine Yoshinaga-Itano 10 , Daniel Holzinger 11, 12

This Call to Action is the eighth and final article in this special issue on Family-Centered Early Intervention (FCEI) for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) and their families, or FCEI-DHH. Collectively, these articles highlight evidence-informed actions to enhance family well-being and to optimize developmental outcomes among children who are DHH. This Call to Action outlines actionable steps to advance FCEI-DHH supports provided to children who are DHH and their families. It also urges specific actions to strengthen FCEI-DHH programs/services and systems across the globe, whether newly emerging or long-established. Internationally, supports for children who are DHH are often siloed, provided within various independent sectors such as health/medicine, education, early childhood, and social and disability services. With this Call to Action, we urge invested parties from across relevant sectors to join together to implement and improve FCEI-DHH programs/services and systems, build the capacity of early intervention (EI) Providers and other professionals, extend research regarding FCEI-DHH, and fund EI supports, systems, and research, all with the aim of advancing outcomes for families and their children who are DHH.


以家庭为中心的聋哑/听力障碍早期干预 (FCEI-DHH):行动呼吁。

本号召性用语是本期特刊的第八篇也是最后一篇文章,内容涉及针对耳聋或听力困难儿童 (DHH) 及其家人的以家庭为中心的早期干预 (FCEI) 或 FCEI-DHH。总的来说,这些文章强调了以证据为依据的行动,以增强家庭福祉并优化 DHH 儿童的发展成果。该行动呼吁概述了推进向 DHH 儿童及其家人提供 FCEI-DHH 支持的可行步骤。它还敦促采取具体行动,加强全球范围内的 FCEI-DHH 计划/服务和系统,无论是新出现的还是长期建立的。在国际上,对 DHH 儿童的支持往往是孤立的,由各个独立部门提供,例如健康/医学、教育、幼儿教育以及社会和残疾服务。通过这一行动呼吁,我们敦促相关行业的投资方共同实施和改进 FCEI-DHH 计划/服务和系统,建设早期干预 (EI) 提供商和其他专业人员的能力,扩大有关 FCEI-DHH 的研究,并资助 EI 支持、系统和研究,所有这些都是为了改善 DHH 家庭及其子女的成果。