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The monotonic linear model: Testing for removable interactions.
Psychological Methods ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1037/met0000626
John C Dunn 1 , Laura M Anderson 2

Loftus (1978) highlighted the distinction between a theoretical concept such as memory or attention, and its observed measure such as hit rate or percent correct. If the functional relationship between the concept and its measure is nonlinear then only some interaction effects are interpretable. This is an example of the wider "problem of coordination" which pervades scientific measurement. Loftus drew on the principles of additive conjoint measurement (ACM) to discuss the consequences when the coordination function is assumed to be monotonic. This led to the distinction between removable interactions that are consistent with an additive effect on the underlying theoretical concept and nonremovable interactions that are not. However, the adoption of these ideas by researchers has been greatly limited by the fact that no statistical procedure exists to determine if and to what extent an interaction is removable or otherwise. The lack of such a procedure has similarly limited the impact of ACM on research practice. The aim of this article is to present such a procedure. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



Loftus (1978) 强调了记忆或注意力等理论概念与其观察到的衡量标准(如命中率或正确率)之间的区别。如果概念与其测量之间的函数关系是非线性的,那么只有一些相互作用效应是可以解释的。这是科学测量中普遍存在的更广泛的“协调问题”的一个例子。 Loftus 利用加性联合测量 (ACM) 原理来讨论假设协调函数是单调时的后果。这导致了与基本理论概念的加性效应一致的可去除相互作用和不符合加性效应的不可去除相互作用之间的区别。然而,研究人员对这些想法的采用受到了很大的限制,因为没有统计程序来确定相互作用是否可以消除以及在多大程度上可以消除或以其他方式消除。缺乏这样的程序同样限制了 ACM 对研究实践的影响。本文的目的就是介绍这样一个过程。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。