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The renormalization group for large-scale structure: primordial non-Gaussianities
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-12 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2024/08/017
Charalampos Nikolis , Henrique Rubira , Fabian Schmidt

The renormalization group for large-scale structure (RG-LSS) describes the evolution of galaxy bias and stochastic parameters as a function of the cutoff Λ. In this work, we introduce interaction vertices that describe primordial non-Gaussianity into the Wilson-Polchinski framework, thereby extending the free theory to the interacting case. The presence of these interactions forces us to include new operators and bias coefficients to the bias expansion to ensure closure under renormalization. We recover the previously-derived “scale-dependent bias” contributions, as well as a new (subdominant) stochastic contribution. We derive the renormalization group equations governing the RG-LSS for a large class of interactions which account for vertices at linear order in f NL that parametrize interacting scalar and massive spinning fields during inflation. Solving the RG equations, we show the evolution of the non-Gaussian contributions to galaxy clustering as a function of scale.



大尺度结构重正化群 (RG-LSS) 将星系偏差和随机参数的演化描述为截止值 Λ 的函数。在这项工作中,我们将描述原初非高斯性的相互作用顶点引入 Wilson-Polchinski 框架,从而将自由理论扩展到相互作用的情况。这些相互作用的存在迫使我们在偏差扩展中包含新的算子和偏差系数,以确保重正化下的闭合。我们恢复了先前得出的“规模相关偏差”贡献,以及新的(次主导)随机贡献。我们推导了控制 RG-LSS 的重整化群方程,用于一大类相互作用,这些相互作用以线性顺序解释了顶点f NL ,参数化膨胀过程中相互作用的标量场和大规模旋转场。求解 RG 方程,我们展示了非高斯对星系聚类贡献随尺度函数的演化。