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Steering Muscle-Based Bio-Syncretic Robot Through Bionic Optimized Biped Mechanical Design.
Soft Robotics ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 , DOI: 10.1089/soro.2023.0121
Chuang Zhang 1, 2 , Lianchao Yang 1, 2, 3 , Wenxue Wang 1, 2 , Huijie Fan 1, 2 , Wenjun Tan 1, 2, 3 , Ruiqian Wang 1, 2, 3 , Feifei Wang 4 , Ning Xi 1, 2, 5 , Lianqing Liu 1, 2

Bio-syncretic robots consisting of artificial structures and living muscle cells have attracted much attention owing to their potential advantages, such as high drive efficiency, miniaturization, and compatibility. Motion controllability, as an important factor related to the main performance of bio-syncretic robots, has been explored in numerous studies. However, most of the existing bio-syncretic robots still face challenges related to the further development of steerable kinematic dexterity. In this study, a bionic optimized biped fully soft bio-syncretic robot actuated by two muscle tissues and steered with a direction-controllable electric field generated by external circularly distributed multiple electrodes has been developed. The developed bio-syncretic robot could realize wirelessly steerable motion and effective transportation of microparticle cargo on artificial polystyrene and biological pork tripe surfaces. This study may provide an effective strategy for the development of bio-syncretic robots and other related studies, such as nonliving soft robot design and muscle tissue engineering.


