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"We're Not Valued, We're Not Heard": Voices of Seasoned Nurses in a Rural State Following the Onset of COVID-19.
Advances in Nursing Science ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-25 , DOI: 10.1097/ans.0000000000000490
Kessa V Tribby 1 , Mary J Isaacson

The COVID-19 crisis shone a spotlight on long-standing issues in the nursing profession. Currently, nurses feel overworked, unsupported, and undervalued. This interpretive phenomenological study shares the perspectives of 10 seasoned nurses. The overarching theme is "My job doesn't love me back," supported by "Enough pizza already," "Band-Aid on a hemorrhage," "We were heroes and now no one remembers us," "We used to be so trusted," and "Nursing is psychological warfare." It is imperative that systems and leaders listen to the concerns of nurses and provide avenues for nurses to take action to collaborate and convene organizational culture change.


“我们没有受到重视,我们没有被听到”:COVID-19 爆发后农村地区经验丰富的护士的心声。

COVID-19 危机让人们关注护理行业长期存在的问题。目前,护士感到工作过度、得不到支持和价值被低估。这项解释性现象学研究分享了 10 位经验丰富的护士的观点。总体主题是“我的工作不爱我”,并辅以“披萨已经够多了”、“出血时用创可贴”、“我们曾经是英雄,但现在没有人记得我们”、“我们曾经如此”值得信赖”和“护理是心理战”。系统和领导者必须倾听护士的担忧,并为护士采取行动合作和促进组织文化变革提供途径。