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Subordinate-to-supervisor relational identification: A meta-analytic review.
Journal of Applied Psychology ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-15 , DOI: 10.1037/apl0001169
Yufei Zhong 1 , David M Sluss 2 , Katie L Badura 1

Although subordinate-to-supervisor relational identification (RI) has gained significant scholarly attention in organizational research, an understanding of its nomological network is incomplete. There have also been recurring discussions about its distinctions with another more extensively researched relational construct-leader-member exchange (LMX). In this meta-analysis, we expand Sluss and Ashforth's (2007) typology, going beyond the influence of the supervisor, to systematically study the antecedents and consequences of RI and its comparison with LMX. Meta-analytic results based on 157 independent samples demonstrate that positive leader behaviors that span role-based and person-based identities (e.g., transformational leadership, supervisor humility) are important antecedents of subordinate-to-supervisor RI, with effects contingent on subordinates' national culture (i.e., collectivism and power distance). Although less hypothesized, relational and organizational contexts as well as subordinate characteristics are also important antecedents of subordinate-to-supervisor RI. The results further show that RI relates to important subordinate behaviors and attitudes. Finally, we test how RI and LMX have differing effects across these important subordinate attitudes and behaviors. We conclude with suggestions to enhance our understanding of RI. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



尽管下属到主管的关系识别(RI)在组织研究中获得了学术界的广泛关注,但对其法理网络的理解并不完整。关于它与另一个经过更广泛研究的关系构建-领导者-成员交换(LMX)的区别也一直存在反复的讨论。在这项荟萃分析中,我们扩展了 Sluss 和 Ashforth (2007) 的类型学,超越了主管的影响,系统地研究 RI 的前因和后果及其与 LMX 的比较。基于 157 个独立样本的荟萃分析结果表明,跨越基于角色和基于个人的身份的积极领导者行为(例如变革型领导、主管谦逊)是下属对主管 RI 的重要前提,其影响取决于下属的民族文化(即集体主义和权力距离)。尽管假设较少,但关系和组织环境以及下属特征也是下属到主管 RI 的重要前提。结果进一步表明,RI 与重要的下属行为和态度有关。最后,我们测试 RI 和 LMX 如何对这些重要的下属态度和行为产生不同的影响。最后我们提出了增强我们对 RI 理解的建议。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。