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Assessment of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adults: A systematic review of measure psychometric properties and implications for clinical and research utility
Clinical Psychology Review ( IF 13.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cpr.2024.102464
Olivia H Pollak 1 , Ana E Sheehan 2 , Rachel F L Walsh 3 , Auburn R Stephenson 3 , Holly Zell 4 , Jenna Mayes 5 , Hannah R Lawrence 6 , Alexandra H Bettis 5 , Richard T Liu 7

High-quality clinical care and research on suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STBs) depends on availability and implementation of reliable and valid measures of STBs. In contrast to studies examining STB risk factors, screening instruments, or treatment, little research has rigorously examined the content, characteristics, and psychometric properties of STB measures themselves. This systematic review (1) identified STB measures that conform to empirically supported definitions of STBs, and (2) identified peer-reviewed papers reporting on the psychometric properties of these measures in adults. Data on psychometric properties and other measure characteristics were extracted. A total of 21 eligible measures were identified in the first stage. In the second stage, 70 articles (with 79 independent samples) were included with psychometric data in adult samples for 19 measures. Although there was support for strong internal consistency and content validity across many measures, face validity and clinical utility concerns were prevalent. Few measures comprehensively assessed suicidal behaviors, and interview-based assessments tended to show the strongest psychometric properties and clinical utility. Findings are discussed in the context of recommendations for improving existing measures, including future research to increase utility and translatability across clinical settings, delivery methods, and diverse populations.



关于自杀想法和行为 (STB) 的高质量临床护理和研究取决于可靠有效的 STB 措施的可用性和实施​​。与检查 STB 风险因素、筛查工具或治疗的研究相比,很少有研究严格检查 STB 测量本身的内容、特征和心理测量特性。这项系统综述 (1) 确定了符合经验支持的 STB 定义的 STB 衡量标准,(2) 确定了报告这些衡量标准在成人中的心理测量特性的同行评审论文。提取了心理测量特性和其他测量特征的数据。第一阶段共确定了21项符合条件的措施。第二阶段,70篇文章(79个独立样本)被纳入成人样本中19项测量的心理测量数据。尽管许多措施都支持强大的内部一致性和内容有效性,但表面有效性和临床实用性问题仍然普遍存在。很少有措施能够全面评估自杀行为,而基于访谈的评估往往显示出最强的心理测量特性和临床实用性。研究结果在改进现有措施的建议的背景下进行了讨论,包括未来的研究,以提高跨临床环境、交付方法和不同人群的实用性和可转化性。