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Understanding policy integration through an integrative capacity framework
Policy and Society ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-10 , DOI: 10.1093/polsoc/puae027
Joanna Vince 1, 2 , Maree Fudge 1, 2 , Liam Fullbrook 1, 2 , Marcus Haward 2, 3

An important aspect of policy integration is the need for policymakers to establish integrative capacity. However, very few scholars who refer to this concept have explained what integrative capacity is and what aspects of the policy process policymakers need to focus on to establish that capacity. In this paper, we define integrative capacity and introduce an “integrative capacity framework” that outlines key components required by public agencies to progress policy integration. Drawing on existing literature, we apply three dimensions of policy—the policy process, program, and politics—to identify where integrative capacity can occur. Within those dimensions, we identify four conditions that can impact integration: coordination and coherence; accountability, transparency, and legitimacy; resourcing and adequate institutional architecture. We argue that by unpacking the integrative capacity concept, scholars and policymakers can utilize the framework to identify what elements of the policy process need to be addressed to increase the likelihood of integrative policy success.


