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Phylogenomics of Phengodidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea): towards a natural classification of a bioluminescent and paedomorphic beetle lineage, with recognition of a new subfamily
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-10 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae093
Vinicius S Ferreira 1 , André S Roza 2 , Felipe F Barbosa 2 , Viridiana Vega-Badillo 3 , Santiago Zaragoza-Caballero 4 , José Ricardo M Mermudes 2 , Michael A Ivie 5 , Aslak K Hansen 6, 7 , Adam J Brunke 8 , Hume B Douglas 8 , Alexey Solodovnikov 7 , Robin Kundrata 9

Phengodidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea), commonly known as glowworm beetles, are a small family of bioluminescent and paedomorphic beetles. There are few phylogenetic studies of Phengodidae, and these are mostly discordant, especially when comparing morphology-based and molecular-based phylogenetic hypotheses. Here, we used the anchored hybrid enrichment approach to undertake the first phylogenomic analysis of Phengodidae (≤358 loci and 39 taxa) and evaluate the higher-level classification of the group. In agreement with previous molecular studies, we recovered Phengodidae as sister to Rhagophthalmidae, and the Old World Cydistinae as sister to all New World Phengodidae. In contrast to previous hypotheses, both Phengodinae and Mastinocerinae were each recovered as monophyletic. Cenophengus was found to be sister to Mastinocerinae, in contrast to some previous hypotheses that placed it as sister to all New World Phengodidae. Considering its morphological divergence, we here establish Cenophenginae subfam. nov. Despite the largest and most comprehensive sampling of Phengodidae in any molecular-based study to date, we had only limited success in revealing the relationships among genera within the most species-rich subfamily, Mastinocerinae. Further studies should focus on the phylogeny and classification of this taxonomically neglected subfamily, on the phylogenetic placement of enigmatic Penicillophorinae, and on seeking morphological support for the main clades of Phengodidae.



Phengodidae(鞘翅目:Elateroidea)通常称为萤火虫甲虫,是生物发光和幼形甲虫的一个小科。关于 Phengodidae 的系统发育研究很少,而且这些研究大多不一致,特别是在比较基于形态学和分子的系统发育假设时。在这里,我们使用锚定混合富集方法对Phengodidae(≤358个基因座和39个类群)进行了首次系统发育分析,并评估了该类群的更高级别分类。与之前的分子研究一致,我们发现 Phengodidae 是 Rhagotropicidae 的姐妹,而旧大陆 Cydistinae 是所有新世界 Phengodidae 的姐妹。与之前的假设相反,Phengodinae 和 Masstinocerinae 均被恢复为单系。 Cenophengus 被发现是 Masstinocerinae 的姐妹,这与之前的一些假设相反,将其视为所有新大陆 Phengodidae 的姐妹。考虑到其形态差异,我们在此建立 Cenophengininae 亚科。十一月尽管迄今为止在所有基于分子的研究中对 Phengodidae 进行了最大和最全面的采样,但我们在揭示物种最丰富的亚科 Masstinocerinae 内属之间的关系方面只取得了有限的成功。进一步的研究应集中于这个在分类学上被忽视的亚科的系统发育和分类、神秘的青毛虫亚科的系统发育位置,以及为 Phenodidae 的主要分支寻求形态学支持。