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The investigation of the influence of B-site disorder on giant exchange bias: Experimental observations and theoretical insights
Acta Materialia ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2024.120276
Koustav Pal , Sudip Mandal , I. Das

Recent research has highlighted the significance of perovskites owing to their diverse characteristics arising from the integration of elements across the periodic table. The properties of these materials are influenced through a range of factors, including constituent elements, disorder, oxygen deficiency, and so on. We investigated the impact of disorder, along with the dependency of temperature and cooling field on exchange bias, using both experimental and theoretical simulations. Improving B-site disorder led to a significant enhancement (18.6 kOe) in the exchange bias of SrFeCoIrO, due to numerous new interactions and a reduction in the size of magnetic clusters. Our findings highlight the critical impact of purposeful material design techniques, specifically the importance of B-site disorder in structures in facilitating the giant exchange bias.


B 位点无序对巨交换偏差影响的研究:实验观察和理论见解

最近的研究强调了钙钛矿的重要性,因为它们因元素周期表中元素的整合而产生了多种特性。这些材料的性能受到一系列因素的影响,包括组成元素、无序、缺氧等。我们使用实验和理论模拟研究了无序的影响以及温度和冷却场对交换偏差的依赖性。由于大量新的相互作用和磁簇尺寸的减小,改善 B 位无序导致 SrFeCoIrO 的交换偏压显着增强 (18.6 kOe)。我们的研究结果强调了有目的的材料设计技术的关键影响,特别是结构中 B 位无序在促进巨大交换偏差方面的重要性。