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Growth of ferroelectric domain nuclei: Insight from a sharp-interface model
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105810
Hsu-Cheng Cheng , Laurent Guin , Dennis M. Kochmann

We present an analytical framework to study the impact of electromechanical properties on the growth of a ferroelectric nucleus. Ferroelectric domain evolution is typically simulated by phase-field models, which have shown that nuclei evolve from needle-like structures into complex domain patterns. However, there has been limited in-depth analysis of the interplay between electrostatics, mechanics and piezoelectricity and their effect on nucleus growth because of the complexity involved in the phase-field description. In this study, we describe the ferroelectric domain wall as a sharp interface and solve for the fields inside an elliptic ferroelectric nucleus via Eshelby’s inclusion problem. We analytically determine the driving traction profile around the nucleus to gain insight into the movement of the domain wall with and without applied electromechanical loading. We analyze how the growth is affected by the permittivity, elasticity, and piezoelectricity as well as the nucleus’ eccentricity. We further demonstrate that applied loads do not significantly affect nucleus growth, which is primarily determined by the self-equilibrated mechanical and electric field, and that the anisotropy in material properties is essential in determining the growth of a ferroelectric nucleus.


