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The bittersweet nature of adult family caregiving on workplace behaviors and attitudes
Journal of Vocational Behavior ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2024.104029
Dawn S. Carlson , Matthew J. Quade , Min (Maggie) Wan , K. Michele Kacmar

Family caregivers, who are managing the demands of work while simultaneously giving care to an adult family member, are a growing segment of the workforce. The current paper explores the struggle and joys of family caregiving employees, who manage work demands while simultaneously caring for an adult family member. We developed and tested a theoretical model of 311 family caregivers in the U.S. workforce that considered the simultaneous demands (burdens) and resources (gains) paths using the theoretical framework of the work-home resources model (ten Brummelhuis & Bakker, 2012). Further, we consider the role that these play as the family domain spilled over into the work domain and had both behavioral and affective outcomes. We found that family caregiving operated on simultaneous separate paths, confirming the bittersweet nature of the phenomenon. Through a demands path we found caregiving burdens contributed to experiences of family-work conflict and required greater work concessions (job and career) while also reducing job satisfaction. At the same time, through a resources path we found caregiving gains contributed to experiences of family-work enrichment and contributed to satisfaction (job and life) but did not reduce the need for work concessions. As such, considering caregiving burdens and gains simultaneously helps us to understand that, although caregiving results in more work concessions, it also improves employees' overall satisfaction.



家庭护理人员在满足工作需求的同时还要照顾成年家庭成员,他们是劳动力中不断增长的一部分。本文探讨了家庭护理员工的挣扎和喜悦,他们在管理工作需求的同时还要照顾成年家庭成员。我们开发并测试了美国劳动力中 311 名家庭护理人员的理论模型,该模型使用工作-家庭资源模型的理论框架考虑了同时需求(负担)和资源(收益)路径(10 Brummelhuis & Bakker,2012)。此外,我们还考虑了这些因素在家庭领域扩展到工作领域时所发挥的作用,并产生了行为和情感结果。我们发现家庭护理是同时在不同的路径上进行的,证实了这种现象苦乐参半的本质。通过需求路径,我们发现照顾负担会导致家庭与工作冲突的经历,并需要更大的工作让步(工作和职业),同时也会降低工作满意度。与此同时,通过资源路径,我们发现照护收益有助于丰富家庭工作经验,并有助于提高满意度(工作和生活),但并没有减少对工作让步的需求。因此,同时考虑护理负担和收益有助于我们理解,虽然护理导致更多的工作让步,但它也提高了员工的整体满意度。