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Effect of row distance on plant architecture, weed suppression and yield of silage maize (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in a pesticide-free cultivation system in Southern Germany
Crop Protection ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2024.106866
Dina Otto , Sebastian Munz , Waqas Ahmed Malik , Simone Graeff-Hönninger

Conventional farming prioritizes monocultures and synthetic chemicals to secure high yields. However, there are a growing number of initiatives worldwide to reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides. One option for pesticide-free weed management is the adjustment of sowing pattern (row distance, plant arrangement, sowing density). This study investigated the effects of an equal distance sowing versus a normal distance sowing (EDS and NDS) at constant sowing density on plant morphology, growth and yield of silage maize ( L.) and soybean ( max (L.) Merr.) as well as the weed occurrence. Therefore, a 3-year (2020–2022) pesticide-free, field experiment was conducted at the Heidfeldhof Research Station, University of Hohenheim, Germany. In silage maize, neither plant architecture nor biomass yield showed significant differences between EDS with 0.375 m and NDS with 0.75 m row distance. In contrast, soybean developed a bushier plant architecture with more branches and shorter petioles in EDS with 0.15 m compared to plants in NDS with 0.50 m row distance, demonstrating phenotypic plasticity. A higher number of pods per plant (EDS: 28.05; NDS: 22.73) and seed yield (EDS: 406.58 g m; NDS: 389.34 g m) indicated the potential for increased yields applying EDS. Crop competitiveness against weeds was higher in EDS than in NDS, especially early in the growing season. The results highlight the importance of EDS as a valuable tool for pesticide-free, non-organic cropping systems through positive effects on crop yield and efficient weed control.


德国南部无农药栽培系统中行距对青贮玉米 (Zea mays L.) 和大豆 (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) 植物结构、杂草抑制和产量的影响

传统农业优先考虑单一栽培和合成化学品,以确保高产。然而,世界范围内有越来越多的举措减少或消除农药的使用。无农药杂草管理的一种选择是调整播种方式(行距、植物排列、播种密度)。本研究调查了恒定播种密度下等距播种与正常距离播种(EDS 和 NDS)对青贮玉米 ( L.) 和大豆 ( max (L.) Merr.) 植物形态、生长和产量的影响,如下所示:以及杂草的发生。因此,在德国霍恩海姆大学海德菲尔德霍夫研究站进行了为期3年(2020-2022)的无农药田间试验。在青贮玉米中,行距为 0.375 m 的 EDS 和行距为 0.75 m 的 NDS 之间,株型和生物量产量均未显示出显着差异。相比之下,与行距为 0.50 m 的 NDS 中的植物相比,大豆在 0.15 m 行距的 EDS 中发育出更加茂密的植物结构,具有更多的分枝和更短的叶柄,这表明了表型可塑性。每株植物的豆荚数量(EDS:28.05;NDS:22.73)和种子产量(EDS:406.58 克;NDS:389.34 克)表明应用 EDS 提高产量的潜力。 EDS 中的作物抗杂草竞争力高于 NDS,特别是在生长季节的早期。结果凸显了 EDS 作为无农药、非有机种植系统的宝贵工具的重要性,它对作物产量和有效杂草控制具有积极影响。