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Community-Based Participatory Research with Sexual and Gender Minority Trauma Survivors: Challenges, Solutions, and Recommendations for Future Research
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-10 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241265441
Sasha Zabelski 1 , Cory J Cascalheira 2, 3 , Thomas J Shaw 2, 4 , Emily C Helminen 2 , Adam M Messinger 5 , Katie M Edwards 6 , Jillian R Scheer 2

Research on sexual and gender minority (SGM) and domestic violence/sexual assault (DV/SA) is needed given that SGM people are at elevated risk of experiencing DV/SA and accessing inclusive and affirming services from DV/SA community agencies poses challenges for SGM survivors. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is emerging as a valuable methodological tool in this area, yet few CBPR studies focus on DV/SA among SGM people. In the current paper, we present a case study of a CBPR study conducted in collaboration with SGM survivors of DV/SA, as well as community stakeholders (i.e., DV/SA agency staff and providers). More specifically, we make six recommendations to address CBPR study challenges specifically focused on SGM DV/SA, including (a) integrating positionality throughout every step of the research process, (b) establishing rapport with community partners early in the process, (c) engaging external experts in conducting research related to SGM DV/SA to enhance community–research partnerships, (d) ensuring diverse identities are represented within the study team, (e) developing clear, co-defined feedback and communication guidelines with a Survivor Advisory Board (SAB), and (f) implementing an SAB engagement/retention plan. We also provide concrete examples from our CBPR case study to illustrate each recommendation. These recommendations may enhance the impact of conducting CBPR that seeks to promote recovery from DV/SA among SGM via practices for sustainable community partnerships and linkage-to-care efforts for SGM survivors.



鉴于 SGM 人经历 DV/SA 的风险较高,并且从 DV/SA 社区机构获得包容性和肯定性服务对性和性别少数群体 (SGM) 以及家庭暴力/性侵犯 (DV/SA) 提出了挑战,因此需要对性少数群体 (SGM) 和家庭暴力/性侵犯 (DV/SA) 进行研究。 SGM幸存者。基于社区的参与性研究 (CBPR) 正在成为该领域有价值的方法工具,但很少有 CBPR 研究关注 SGM 人群的 DV/SA。在本文中,我们介绍了与 DV/SA 的 SGM 幸存者以及社区利益相关者(即 DV/SA 机构工作人员和提供者)合作进行的 CBPR 研究的案例研究。更具体地说,我们提出六项建议来解决特别针对 SGM DV/SA 的 CBPR 研究挑战,包括 (a) 将立场融入研究过程的每一步,(b) 在过程早期与社区合作伙伴建立融洽关系,(c)聘请外部专家开展与 SGM DV/SA 相关的研究,以加强社区与研究的伙伴关系,(d) 确保研究团队中代表不同的身份,(e) 与幸存者咨询委员会制定明确、共同定义的反馈和沟通指南(SAB),以及 (f) 实施 SAB 参与/保留计划。我们还提供 CBPR 案例研究中的具体示例来说明每项建议。这些建议可能会增强开展 CBPR 的影响,旨在通过可持续社区伙伴关系的实践以及 SGM 幸存者的护理工作联系,促进 SGM 从 DV/SA 中恢复。