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“It’s Your Own Fault”: Factors Influencing Victim Blaming
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-10 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241270030
Louisa Pauline Witte 1 , Aleya Flechsenhar 1, 2

This study examined the association between victimization and victim blaming using a sample of n = 142 participants in a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) with the influence of subject gender, victim stereotyping level, threat level, and victim gender for victim blaming. Belief in a just world was included in the model as a covariate. Mediation analyses were conducted with the degree of identifiability with the victim and attitudes toward traditional role models as explanatory approaches. In addition, acceptance of rape myths was considered. The GLMM analyses suggest that victim blaming by male subjects was significantly higher on average than by female subjects when all other predictors were held constant. As an explanatory approach for these effects of the subjects’ gender on victim blaming, partial mediation was found with the degree of identification with the victim as a mediator. No main effects were found for the other influencing factors, but only a statistically significant three-way interaction. This indicates a differential effect of the level of stereotyping for male and female victims in conditions that end in high threat. The finding of the main effect of subjects’ gender seems to be particularly important for the legal system, as it appears to make a difference in who is asked in terms of victim blameworthiness. This finding highlights the importance of considering a victim’s personal characteristics and the need for future research with an additional focus on the characteristics of the sentencers to help clarify potential biases.



本研究使用广义线性混合模型 (GLMM) 中的 n = 142 名参与者样本,考察了受害与受害者指责之间的关联,并考虑了主体性别、受害者刻板印象水平、威胁水平和受害者性别对受害者指责的影响。对公正世界的信念作为协变量包含在模型中。以受害者的认同程度和对传统榜样的态度作为解释方法进行中介分析。此外,还考虑了接受强奸神话。 GLMM 分析表明,当所有其他预测因素保持不变时,男性受试者对受害者的责备平均显着高于女性受试者。作为解释受试者性别对受害者指责的影响的方法,部分调解被发现与受害者作为调解者的认同程度有关。其他影响因素没有发现主效应,只有统计上显着的三向交互作用。这表明,在高威胁的情况下,对男性和女性受害者的刻板印象程度存在差异。主体性别的主要影响的发现似乎对法律体系特别重要,因为它似乎对谁被问及受害者的应受指责产生了影响。这一发现强调了考虑受害者个人特征的重要性以及未来研究的必要性,并额外关注判刑者的特征,以帮助澄清潜在的偏见。