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Place-based approaches to reducing violent crime hot spots: A review of the evidence on public health approaches
Aggression and Violent Behavior ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2024.101984
John M. MacDonald , Alex Knorre , David Mitre-Becerril , Aaron Chalfin

Research from around the world shows that violent crime is spatially clustered in hot spots. A growing body of research shows that place-based changes to the built environment can help reduce violent crime. Increasingly, research summaries imply there are important public health approaches to reduce the hyper-concentration of violence. Past summaries of the effect of place-based changes on violence have focused primarily on their overall effect and have not paid adequate attention to the impact on violent crime within hot spots. Additionally, research summaries seldom delineate what place-based changes actually involve the work of public health departments versus that of housing agencies, redevelopment authorities, street departments, or community-based nonprofits. This review focuses on evidence from experimental and quasi-experimental studies of placed-based changes to the built environment that focus on violent crime hot spots. A narrative review discusses the context of each intervention and assesses their effect sizes on violent crime. Implications for this evidence for public health approaches to reduce violent crime hot spots are considered.


