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Attractor based performance characterization and reliability evolution for electromechanical systems
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.111803
Wen-Bin Chen , Xiao-Yang Li , Rui Kang

Electromechanical systems (EMS) possess multi-type, fast-iteration, and customized characteristics in modern industry and are usually required for high reliability. To meet the reliability requirements of EMSs, it is essential to identify the physical relationship between the design parameters and reliability of EMSs, i.e., the physical reduction and holistic ability of reliability. However, current reliability models based on physical principles are costly and highly specific, making them lose the transferability to other EMSs and resulting in high computational and time costs when applied to multi-type EMSs. Nevertheless, current reliability models with transferability often lack clear physical reduction and holistic ability, which limits their ability to elucidate the reliability mechanisms in EMSs. Motivated by the above issue, an attractor based performance characterization and reliability evolution modeling method for EMSs is proposed. Firstly, we construct operational state equations of EMSs based on physical principles, discover the attractor as a universal characteristic in EMS operational states, and conduct attractor modeling to characterize EMS performance under constant and periodic external forces. Then, the attractor based reliability evolution modeling is conducted, including attractor based margin, degradation, and measurement equations of EMSs. Two typical EMSs including BLDCMs and resonant circuits are used for the case study, and their attractor based reliability equations physically related to the physical properties, functional thresholds, degradation, and uncertainties are established, revealing the combination of the physical reduction and holistic ability with the transferability of reliability. This work also provides a universal framework for EMS reliability modeling and is conducive to exploring the universality of EMS reliability.



现代工业中机电系统(EMS)具有多类型、快速迭代、定制化的特点,通常要求高可靠性。为了满足EMS的可靠性要求,必须确定EMS的设计参数与可靠性之间的物理关系,即可靠性的物理还原能力和整体能力。然而,当前基于物理原理的可靠性模型成本高昂且高度具体,使得它们失去了向其他EMS的可移植性,并且在应用于多类型EMS时导致较高的计算和时间成本。然而,当前具有可转移性的可靠性模型往往缺乏明确的物理简化和整体能力,这限制了它们阐明EMS可靠性机制的能力。受上述问题的启发,提出了一种基于吸引子的 EMS 性能表征和可靠性演化建模方法。首先,我们基于物理原理构建了EMS的运行状态方程,发现了吸引子作为EMS运行状态的普遍特征,并进行吸引子建模来表征EMS在恒定和周期性外力作用下的性能。然后,进行基于吸引子的可靠性演化建模,包括基于吸引子的裕度、退化和EMS的测量方程。使用包括 BLDCM 和谐振电路在内的两种典型 EMS 进行案例研究,建立了与物理特性、功能阈值、退化和不确定性物理相关的基于吸引子的可靠性方程,揭示了物理简化和整体能力与可靠性的可转移性。 这项工作也为EMS可靠性建模提供了一个通用的框架,有利于探索EMS可靠性的普适性。