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Relativistic hydrodynamics under rotation: Prospects and limitations from a holographic perspective
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics ( IF 14.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2024.104135
Markus A.G. Amano , Casey Cartwright , Matthias Kaminski , Jackson Wu

The AdS/CFT correspondence, or holography, has provided numerous important insights into the behavior of strongly-coupled many-body systems. Crucially, it has provided a testing ground for the construction of new effective field theories, especially those in the low frequency, long wavelength limit known as hydrodynamics. We review the study of strongly-coupled rotating fluids using holography, and we examine the hydrodynamics emerging from the study of rotating Myers–Perry black holes. We discuss three regimes in which holographic rotating fluids display either (1) hydrodynamic behavior of a boosted fluid, (2) hydrodynamic behavior distinct from a boosted fluid, or (3) no obvious hydrodynamic behavior. We describe techniques to obtain hydrodynamic and non-hydrodynamic modes, and we compute the radius of convergence for the hydrodynamic regimes. The limitations of hydrodynamics under rotation are discussed alongside our findings.



AdS/CFT 通信或全息术为强耦合多体系统的行为提供了许多重要的见解。至关重要的是,它为构建新的有效场论提供了一个试验场,特别是那些在低频、长波长极限(即流体动力学)中的场论。我们回顾了使用全息术对强耦合旋转流体的研究,并研究了旋转迈尔斯-佩里黑洞研究中出现的流体动力学。我们讨论了三种状态,其中全息旋转流体表现出(1)增压流体的流体动力学行为,(2)与增压流体不同的流体动力学行为,或(3)没有明显的流体动力学行为。我们描述了获得流体动力学和非流体动力学模式的技术,并计算了流体动力学状态的收敛半径。旋转流体动力学的局限性与我们的发现一起进行了讨论。